Stock market crash of 1929 newspaper ab

1930's Timeline

  • Stock Market Carsh

    Stock Market Carsh
    The Stock Market crashes.
  • $150 million dollars given to fight depretion

    $150 million dollars given to fight depretion
    Herbert Hover asked congress to pass a $150 million dollar
  • Star-Spangled Banner

    Star-Spangled Banner
    Star-Spangled banner is aproved by Herbert Hoover.
  • Empire State Building

    Empire State Building
    Construction on the Empire State building is finnished.
  • Charles Lindbergh Son is Kidnaped

    Charles Lindbergh Son is Kidnaped
    The son of Charles Lindbergh and Anne Lindbergh gets kidnaped.
  • Franklen D. Rosivelt

    Franklen D. Rosivelt
    New president Franklen D, Rosevelt is inagurated into offi
  • 21st Amendment is Passed

    21st Amendment is Passed
    21st amendment is passed ending prohibition.
  • Military

    U.S pulls troops from Haiti.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Congress passes the Social Security act, and was signed as a law by Franklin D. Rosevelt.
  • Olympics

    Summer Olympics open in Berlin, Germany under the new leader Adolf Hitler.
  • Hindenburg

    The largest airship the Hindenburg bursts into flames in New Jersey
  • Final Reunion

    Final Reunion
    The 75th reunion for the Battle of Gettysburg is held.
  • A-Bomb

    Albert Einstein tells president Resevelt about the oportunity for A-bomb, that lead to the creation of the Manhattan Project
  • Third Election

    Third Election
    Franklin D. Rosevelt is eleced back into offic for his third time.