1930's Good Ol Days Project

By carisl7
  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market tanked due to people cashing out on their investments. Caused over 1,000 uninsured banks to close. Kick-starting the Great Depression
  • The Dust Bowl

    Because of dry soil, and overfarming billions of tons of dust were swept up into the air killing off the majority of America's crops. This sent the agriculture industry into a spiral, and produced an increase in prices for food across the country
  • Bank Panics

    Over 80% of America's banks closed from 1930-33, this causes people to loose their entire life savings
  • Smoot-Hawley Act

    Raised tariffs to the highest they have ever been in American history in an effort to help struggling American farmers, effectively ending the majority of the US's global trade, and sending us into further economic decline.
  • Empire State Building Constructed

    The Empire State Building was the world's first 100+ story building, constructed in a record-breaking 410 days! This massive New York landmark is still one of the nation's most defining features.
  • Lowest Economic Point

    Dow Jones reached its lowest point closing at 41.41, dropping 90% from 1929. At this point 23% of Americans were unemployed.
  • Unemployment Reaches 25.6%

    The highest in American history
  • FDR Elected

    Previous to the Roosevelt Administration, the government took a very hands-off economic stance. FDR had a different approach, and he would attempt to turn the nation's economic standing around.
  • National Bank Holiday

    As soon as he takes office, Roosevelt called for a national bank holiday, so no one else could take their money out of the bank, thus assisting in the closure of banks
  • Prohibition Ends

  • FDR's First 100 Days

    The New Deal is enacted and over 20 million jobs helping in public works areas. Government organizations such as the CCC, the WPA, and the PWA started work on building infrastructure and rebuilding the economy.
  • Hoover Dam Construction Begins

    Arthur Powel Davis, the lead engineer and director of the Hoover Dam project took 5 years to construct the largest hydro-power center on the continent. Providing over 21,000 jobs for men working on the project and also giving power to all of Arizona, Nevada, and California.
  • FDR Elected for a Second Term

    FDR was elected for his second of four terms, making him the longest-standing president in American history. During this term, he would continue to fight the Great Depression, but also decide whether or not to enter WW2
  • Hindenburgh Crash

    The biggest ever blimp, built by the Nazis, exploded in Lakehurst New Jersey. Killing 36 passengers and crew.
  • Hitler Rises to Power and Axis Powers Begin WW2

    While struggling through the global depression, Adolf Hitler an Austrian politician, rose to power over a desolate Germany. He took over as Chancellor and Feur of the Third Riche and leader of the Nazi Party. England, France, and Spain all began to become warry and WW2 began when Hitler began to invade Poland
  • Pearl Harbor is Attacked

    The Japanese launched a devastating surprise attack on America's Pacific fleet on an early Sunday morning. This cost the lives of 2,403 men and was also one of the only international battles fought on American soil since the civil war. FDR went on the radio the next day and dubbed it "a day that will live in infamy" while also officially entering America into WW2 and ending the depression.