1940's Decade Of Technology History

  • 1941 First Computer With Software

    1941 First Computer With Software
    Konrad Zuse built the first computer with a software in 1941. This shaped the being of the way we use computers today.
  • 1942: The First Digital Computer

    1942: The First Digital Computer
    John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry, created the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. It was the first computer to go away from the idea of analog and into the digital field. This provides us with our more modern technology. Their computer was only able to one operation every 15 seconds, where ours is in the billions
  • 1945: The Idea of Hypertext was Born

    1945: The Idea of Hypertext was Born
    Vannevar Bush wrote an article describing a system very similar to HTML. This lead to the later invention of it in 1990.
  • 1945: Debugging

    Grace Hopper, was maintaining the Mark II she and her team found a glitch. This glitch was due to a moth being stuck in the machine.
  • 1947: Mobile Phones Invented

    Mobile phones were invented, although not commercial sold in 1984. However there were phones in the vehicles that allowed you to call out to another within a short distance.