
  • 1929

    Stock Market crash
  • 1932

    Franklin D Roosevelt becomes President.
    -Amelia Earhart flies solo across the Atlantic
  • 1933

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • 1935

    Social Security Act
  • 1936

    New King in England
  • 1939

    -Germany invades Poland.
    -War is declared by England
    -"We was attacked!" (Golding 8)
  • 1940

    -The Battle of Britain
    -FDR elected to 3rd term
  • 1941

    -Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    -Ho Chi Minh founded Communist Viet Ninh
  • 1942

    -Japanese internment camps are created.
    -Anne Frank goes into hiding
  • 1944

  • 1945

    -Bombing of Hiroshima
    -FDR dies
    -Hitler dies
    -Korea is divided into North and South
    -Truman becomes President
    "Didn't you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They're all dead". (Golding 14)
  • 1948

    Big Bang Theory
  • 1949

    -George Orwell's 1984
    -Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier
  • 1950

    -Korean War
    -Baby Boom
  • 1952

    -King George VI died
    -Immigration and Naturalization Act
    -First atomic submarine
  • 1953

    -Queen Elizabeth is coronated
    -DNA is discovered
    "We're English, and English are best at everything." (Golding 42)
  • 1954

    Racial Segregation Ruled