
  • First FIFA world cup held in Uruguay

    First FIFA world cup held in Uruguay
  • Star spangled banner becomes national anthem

    Star spangled banner becomes national anthem
  • Wolrd series held in New York - babe ruth's "cqalled shot"

    Wolrd series held in New York - babe ruth's "cqalled shot"
  • Amelia Earhart flies across the Pacific

    Amelia Earhart flies across the Pacific
    Amelia Earhart becomnes the first person eever to fly solo across the Pacific from Honolulu to Oakland, California.
  • Minimum wage is established

    Minimum wage is established
    It established a 40-hour work week and a weekly wage of $13.
  • The first TV commercial was aired

    The first TV commercial was aired
    The first official, paid televisions broadcast was over a New York station, WNBT. It was aired before a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. The add was for announcement for Bulova watches, which the company paid anywhere from $4 to $9 for 10 seconds.
  • First Golden Globes Award Ceremony

    First Golden Globes Award Ceremony
    The organization was originally called the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association because it was founded by 8 foreign journalists.
  • By 1945 an estimated 5,000 homes owned a television set.

    By 1945 an estimated 5,000 homes owned a television set.
  • Brooklyn dodgers signed Jackie robinson

    Brooklyn dodgers signed Jackie robinson
  • Anne Frank diary was published

    Anne Frank diary was published
  • By 1948 1 miilon households own television sets.

    By 1948 1 miilon households own television sets.
  • CBS television begin broadcasting

     CBS television begin broadcasting
    Douglas Edwards was the first anchor for the first regular 15 minute night news program for CBS television news.