
By METX123
  • The Great Depression in Germany

    The Great Depression in Germany
    The Great DepressionThe effects of the Great Depression caused unemployment to double from 3 millionn to 6 million people.
  • Star Spangeld Banner

    Star Spangeld Banner
    Star spangled bannerPresident Herbert Hoover signs a congressional act making “The Star-Spangled Banner” the official national anthem of the United States.
  • Frankenstein

    FranensteinAn obsessed scientist assembles a living being from parts of exhumed corpses.
  • Legalization of all type of gambling in Nevada

    Legalization of all type of gambling in Nevada
    Legalizing gamblingThe State of Nevada Senate voted to legalize all forms of gambling.
  • Paul von hindenburg wins the 1932 election

    Paul von hindenburg wins the 1932 election
    Reich president Paul von hindenburg wins the 1932 election, but hitler recieves 37% of the vote
  • Al Capone sent to prison (Atlanta, Georgia)

    Al Capone sent to prison (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Los Angles Olympic games

    Los Angles Olympic games
    1932 Olympics1932 OLympic games</a>In 1932 the Olymoic was set in Los Angles
  • Monroe College

    Monroe College
    Monroe College is business institution established in 1933 and is based in St. Lucia, New York. This college is named after James Monroe, the fifth presisdent of the United States.
  • Volkswagen Incorporation

    Volkswagen Incorporation
    Volkwagon is a German based vehicle company established in 1933 by Jacob Werlin and Ferdinand Porsche after following orders from Adolf Hitler.
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed as a Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler Appointed as a Chancellor
    Within the first 30 days of 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler's appointment resulted in a one-party Nazi Germany, which became a regretable turning point for not only Germany, but the entire world.
  • Earthquake Long Beach, California

    Earthquake Long Beach, California
    On the 11th day of March a severe 6.4 magnitude earthquake swept across south California dismantling numerous buildings in its path. Minor earth slumps and cracks occured due to the earthquake.
  • "night of the Long Knife"

    "night of the Long Knife"
    Night of the Long KnifeHitler attacks the leadership of the SA in the "Night of the Long Knife"