1925-1950 WWII to Cold War

  • Good Neighbor Policy

    Good Neighbor Policy
    When Roosevelt took office, in his inauguration speech he said, "I would dedicate this nation this nation to the policy of the good neighbor..." By saying this, Roosevelt wanted to keep peace in the uprising of warlike actions in other countries. This was mainly from the United States towards the Latin America.
  • Montevideo Conference

    Montevideo Conference
    In the conference, they discussed and said that they would not intervene with affairs of other states and they would all be settled peacefully. The treaty was signed in Montevideo, Uruguay by 17 countries including Mexico, Panama, US, Nicaragua, and more.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    This gave the president power to stop US ships from carrying US-made arms to countries at war. It also said US citizens traveling on ships belonging to countries at war should do so at their own risk. This act is also known as the Senate Joint Resolution #173.
  • FDR's "Fireside Chat"

    FDR's "Fireside Chat"
    In FDR's fireside chat on September third, he claimed neutrality on the European war. We, the United States, were obtaining from joining the war at all and we are going to stay nutreal.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    This provided aid for other countries and gave other countries whom would be able to help US in the future weapons. This also helped the United States with war debts from World War One. This also brought the US closer to the war.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    Roosevelt and Churchill decided that no land from the war is given to any country. Secondly, they decided that they would help each other rebuild their government after the war. They decided that the people have the right to chose the government and that the government has to provide better working conditions and living conditions. Lastly, they decided that they all should have freedom of the seas. Twenty-six other nations supported this.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    At the Pearl Harbor naval base stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, just before eight am, the Japanese attacked. two-thousand people were found dead and one-thousand people were found injured. twenty ships, eight major ones, and three-hundred airplanes were lost. This is why we declared war on Japan. FDR said this is, " A day which will live in infamy."
  • Casablanca conference

    Casablanca conference
    This was a conference held in Casablanca, Morocco. It was the first time a president has ever left the United States during wartime. Churchill and Roosevelt discussed destroying German U-boats and bombings.
  • Cairo Conference

    Cairo Conference
    Roosevelt, Churchill, and Chinese president Chiang Kai-Shek met in Cairo, Egypt to discuss plans for the Normandy Invasion. They decided that they would take Japan's territories and give Korea independence.
  • The Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam conference was held near Berlin and was the last of three big meetings. Stalin, Churchill, and Truman all attended. In this meeting, they split Germany in half and brought war criminals to trial. Truman also kept pushing Russia for help with containing Japan.
  • US dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

    US dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
    This was also known as "The Manhattan Project". Japan had rejected US efforts to become allies and US said Japan will get "prompt and utter destruction" if they refused. Hiroshima was the first bomb dropped and it destroyed 5 square miles of city. That bomb was called "little boy". Nagasaki was the second bomb to be dropped. It destroyed 2.6 square miles but it was put between mountains. This bomb was a lot more powerful and was called the "fat man". Japan surrendered at noon on August 15, 1945.
  • The Acheson-Lilenthal Plan

    The Acheson-Lilenthal Plan
    This plan was a plan for an international atomic bomb usage. In this plan, it suggested that the UN should have control over atomic weapons and atomic energy should be shared. Baruch is the one who presented the plan and when he did, he slightly changed it so it made it sound like the US would keep an atomic monopoly.The soviets shot it down and this is what helped start the arms race between the Soviets and US.
  • Truman Doctroine

    Truman Doctroine
    Turman wanted Greece and Turkey to not fall into the communism. The British couldn't help Greece and Turkey with aid anymore so then both countries were facing falling into communism.This was the "Official Declaration of the Cold War." Truman requested $400 million and he got it.
  • Marshall Plan Began

    Marshall Plan Began
    The Marshall plan is also known as the European Recovery Program. The US gave over thirteen-billion dollars for government in european countries to recover in the war. The Soviets said it, "Interferes with internal affairs of other states."
  • The National Security Act

    The National Security Act
    The National Security Act has three main points to it. The first point is to help control growing military. Secondly, it helped establish the NSC, (National Security Council), which gave the president detailed reports. The third point was that it set up the CIA, (Central Intelligance Agency), set to carry out operations in other countries.
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    Originally, twelve countries signed it: Belgium, Canada, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United states. It was said in a conference that an attack against once country is an attack against all of the countries. France came out for thirty years and then came back in.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Soviets wanted to stop outside aid. Following the Berlin Airlift, knowing that the Soviet's plan had failed, opened up the borders and later on said to be separate democracies later that month.
  • Beginning of the Korean War

    Beginning of the Korean War
    Communist North Korea and democratic South Korea started their three-year-long war on this day. Truman had sent US forces to help South Korea. The troops he had sent marched into North Korea.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Germany was split in half and then Berlin was split in half. One-half was the Soviets and the other half was the French. Russia closed all of the outside communication between western Germany and Berlin so they could get Britain, France, and the United States out of the city forever. Instead, the United States brought more than two.three million tons of supplies into Berlin.
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was held in a Russian town by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. It required Germany's surrender and Stalin promised free elections in eastern Europe. After the conference, he didn't go through with it.