Montevideo Conference
Franklin D. Rosevelt declares the "Good Neighbor Policy." Which was a policy that was initially created to improve relations with Latin America. -
Recognition of The Soviet Union
The United States formally recognized the Soviet Union as a nation. -
Neutrality Act of 1935
This act allowed the United States to help their allies but not fully get involved with the war. This meant they could supply weapons, food, clothes, etc.Yet they couldn't have their ships within the war zone -
Atlantic Charter
This was a legal agreement that didn't allow the United States or any of the allied countries to have territorial gains during or after the war -
United States Entry
The United States formally declared war on the nations. Thus, they have officially entered the war. -
Casablanca Conference
FDR and Churchill met on this day to plan European strategy. Through this the Surrender of The Axis was needed -
Yalta Conference
Churchill and Stalin met to reach an agreement on the Divison of Eastern Europe. -
Dropping The A-Bomb
On this day we decided to drop two atom bombs in Japan. One in Hirshemia and the other in Nagasaki -
Creation of The United Nations
An intergovernmental organization that promotes global co-operation. Consisting of the following countries; Ukraine, Great Britain, United States, etc. -
Marshal Plan
Financed over 13 billion dollars to help Europe recover from the war. -
North Atlantic Treaty
The United States and 11 others signed this treaty. This treaty also created the North American Trade Agreement (NATO). -
This outlined the plans to overcome the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Also how to get rid of the entirely.