
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aristide Briand, proposed a peace pact which was an agreement to outlaw war. It established the point that only wars of aggression, not military acts of self-defense, would be covered under the pact, had which many nations willing to sign it. Fifteen nations signed it including, the US, Japan, and The United Kingdom. However, this had little effect of the rise of militarism or preventing World War ll.
  • FDR Signs Neutality Act

    FDR Signs Neutality Act
    When newly formed fascist governments in Europe were beginning to show signs of war President F.Roosevelt signs an act to avoid any action that might cause war. He speaks on weapon licensing and restriction of sailing from foreign hostile nations, as well as embargos on arms for known hostile nations. Most imply with the new German leader, Adolf Hitler, to be the belligerent nation, as well as Italy, FDR describes. This gave America a neuttral stance on war at the time.
  • FDR's Quarantine Speech

    FDR's Quarantine Speech
    Roosevelt spoke to the US about the absolute power overseas, including broken treaties and invasions. He also warns them of likely confrontation with foreign nations, suggesting we quarantine these nations show the rebirth of peace & freedom throughout the world. Roosevelt did not directly state who was involved, it can be inferred that he was talking about Japan, Italy, and Germany. Roosevelt showed his desire to shift from traditional US Policy of noninterfered war, & adopt a aggressive stance
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    FDR proposed an act to provide US military aid to foreign nations during WWII. It authorized the transfer of arms and any other defense material. Congress passing it under the account that "the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States." Once passed, materials were sent to nations like China, Britain, The Soviet Union and other countries. The act showed the US's interest in war without giving the hint for the nation's want to join.
  • The United States declares war on Japan

    The United States declares war on Japan
    Once president Roosevelt found out about the direct attack on Pearl Harbor, He immediately requested and received a declaration of war on Japan. Dec. 7 FDR takes this to the public via radio. On civilian defence groups were set up on both coasts of the US.
  • Magnuson Act

    Magnuson Act
    Proposed by U.S. Representative, Warren G. Magnuson of Washington.This act repealed The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 which established tariffs for Chinese immigration and allowed Chinese immigrants in the U.S. to become naturalized citizens. Chinese were allowed to enter the United States and Hawaii in numbers calculated according to Section 11 of the Immigration Act of 1924.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt where the three leaders agreed that Germany surrenders and begin plans for a post-war. Stalin also agreed to free elections in East Europe and return the lands lost to Japan. Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments ran by the Soviet Union. Americans also felt Roosevelt sold out the Soviets.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Meetings held by the “Big Three” heads of state, American President Truman, British Prime Minister Churchill and Soviet Premier Stalin. The leaders came to various agreements on the German economy, punishment for war criminals, and land boundaries. They also created a declaration demanding “unconditional surrender” from Japan. Potsdam was the last postwar conference of the Big Three leaving Truman convinced on a tougher policy toward Soviets, while Stalin predicted tension from US and Britain.
  • Truman Atomic Bomb Decision

    Truman Atomic Bomb Decision
    Soldiers and civilians were tired after 4 years of war with Japan and they showed no signs of giving up. Japan had a 2 million men army stationed in their home islands guarding for invasion. Truman had a hard time with the decision to drop the atomic bomb. But he went on and sent a plane to the city of Hiroshima and dropped the atomic bomb killing 70,000 Japanese. The Soviet Union declared war on Jap two days later and dropped another bomb over the city Nagasaki. August 14 the Jap surrendered.
  • Formation of The United Nations Charter

    Formation of The United Nations Charter
    Formed as a necessity to better judge international conflict & negotiating peace than was provided for by the old League of Nations. Respecting the equal rights and self-determination of all peoples and international cooperation in solving economic, & social problems around the world, were important objectives described in the UN. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, & Soviet Premier Stalin, attended by representatives of 50 nation sat and laid our the structure for the UN.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Since Britain could no longer fund, President Truman asks congress for economic and military assistance in helping Greece and Turkey fight off communist domination from the Soviets. Truman requested $400 million in assistance for the two nations. Congress approved his request two months later. This doctrine came to be known the official declarion of the Cold War.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Also known as the European Recovery Plan, gives over $13 billion to help fund economic recovery for Europe post war. This would modernize Western European economies. No repayment was asked for. This plan increased trade with Europe and America.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Bockade

    The Soviet Union attempted to keep France, Great Britain, and the US from getting to their zones in Berlin, which resides deep in the Russian zone in East Europe. Western powers soon developed an airlift that lasted nearly a year to help the people in Berlin.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift

    Russians wanted Berlin to themselves, not liking that The US, France, and Great Britain had zones in Berlin. So the Soviets closed off all entrances to Berlin.The U.S. and its allies then decided to supply their sectors of the city from the air, landing and taking off in Berlin every 30 seconds, bringing food and supplies. By spring of 1949, the Soviets plan failed not persuading West Berliners to reject their allies in the West, nor had it prevented the creation of a unified West German state.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization forms

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization forms
    11 Western nations and the US, form an organization to prevent the spread of communism throughout Europe after the war. This existed well past the Cold War gaining new members from Eastern Europe. Russian Federation didn't take the news well once they found out causing post Cold War Tension between east and west Europe.