Warren G. Harding (R)
Warren G. Harding is elected as the 29th president of the United States. -
Death of a president
After beginning the year with the flu. Suddenly President Harding dies of a heart attack. His presidency would be known as the most corrupt ever in American history. -
Calvin Coolidge (R)
After the sudden death of President Harding, Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president of the United States. -
Movies with talking
the first movie ever produced with sound, "The Jazz Singer" would be revolutionary to the film industry. -
Herbert Hoover (R)
Herbert Hoover is elected as the 31st president of the United States. -
The stock market begins to crash, this will be the beginning of the Great Depression that would effect not just the Unites States but the world as well. This would be known as "Black Thursday." -
Unemployment highest ever
The unemployment rate would clime to more than 3.2 million people in the United States by Mach of this year. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected as the 32nd president of the United States. He would play a major role in the attempt to pull the United States out of the Great Depression. He would also serve as the president for the majority of World War II -
Bank Holiday
FDR would declare a bank holiday in attempt to stop the bank runs that were causing the banks to fail -
Emergency Banking Relief Act
This was to aid and examine the health of banks in the United States. -
Fireside Chat
FDR conducts his first of many radio broadcasts called "fireside chats" this was to speak directly to the American people and inform them of policies and ways that they could aid in the recovering of the economy. -
Beer-Wine Revenue Act
FDR abolishes the prohibition in the United States. -
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is created by the Emergency Conservation Work Act, putting unemployed young men to work in the nation’s forests and parks. -
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
This was to provide work and cash relief for Americans struggling to get through the Great Depression. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Reduce surpluses of farm goods and livestock. And created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
The Tennessee Valley Authority Act to provide affordable power and flood control. -
Social Security Act
This created an old age pension system and other social safety net programs that have been a rock of economic security for Americans ever since. -
The day that will live in infamy
On the morning of December 7th, 1941, the Japanese launched a preemptive strike on the United States in Pearl Harbor. The Japanese were provoked by the cut off of oil and other goods and determined that the United States had "declared" war by their actions. By the end of the attack, thousands of sailors would lose their lives and the Pacific Fleet would be severely damaged. This was the act that lead to the United States entering the war.