
  • Period: to

    Roaring Twenties

    Prosperous economy following WWI. Everyone has money it seems
  • Harding

    Harding beats Cox for the presidency
  • Coolidge

    Becomes president after Harding dies in office.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    Long period of time of poverty following the roaring twenties
  • Crash

    Post war prosperity ends with the stock market crash of 1929. begins the Great Depression
  • Roosevelt

    FDR is inaugurated for the first time
  • Social Security

    Social Security is passed as part of the New Deal in order to secure pensions for retired citizens
  • Roosevelt

    FDR is inaugurated once again
  • Atom bomb

    The Manhattan project is started
  • Neutrality

    The US remains neutral after Germany invades Poland and Great Britain declares war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan launches a bombing on the American naval base in Hawaii named Pearl Harbor and the US declares war on Japan.