Washington Conference of 1921
Conference encouraging naval disarmament in an attempt to reduce growing tensions in East Asia -
Immigration Act
reduced immigration prohibits Asians -
Manchuria Invaded
Japan invades Manchuria and establishes a puppet state, Manchukuo. -
Good Neighbor Policy
Non-intervention, non-interference in domestic policy
ended with the threat of the Cold War in 1945 -
Quarantine Speech
Roosevelt warned of the dangers of Japanese actions and argued that aggressors should be "quarantined" by the international community to prevent the contagion of war from spreading. -
Japanese aviators bombed and sank the US gunboat, Panay -
German term coined for the Polish invasion lasts throughout the war. -
Munich Agreement
After Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia, the French and the British agreed to accept Germany's demands in return for Hitler's promise to expand no further. -
Tripartite Act
Establishes Axis Powers. Japan recognizes Italy and Germany establishment of new world order in Europe, they recognize Japan’s establishment of new world order in Eastern Asia, assist each other, share technological advancements, agree it does not affect the relationship with USSR, lasts 10 years -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese air raid on US naval base leads to calls for war