
  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding is President of the United States

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    The Teapot Dome Scandal

    Officials tried to sell government land to oil companies. Found guilty, Albert Fall and Edwin Denby were sent to prison.
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    Calvin Coolidge is President of the United States

  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover is President of the United States

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    The Great Depression

  • The Bonus Army

    In 1932 WWI veterans assembled in Washington, D.C. to strike for their promised bonuses.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt is President of the United States

  • Germany Annexes Austria

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Germany Invades Poland

  • Germany Attacks Western Europe

  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor pushing the United States to join World War II.