
  • First Miss America Nomination

    Margaret Gorman receives the Golden Mermaid trophy, which is later changed to Miss America.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    A huge scandal among others at the time, the Teapot Oil reserves are leased at super low rates to certain companies due to bribery.
  • Lincoln Memorial Built

    The Lincoln Memorial is Built and it's a really cool place.
  • Warner Brothers Incorporated is founded

    The maker of many well-known forms of media, Warner Brothers, is founded.
  • Scopes Trial Held

    A trial regarding the teaching of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in a school. The teacher who thought it was ruled against as he did it out of personal interest, however who won the case itself was mostly irrelevant.
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star-Spangled Banner becomes the nation's national anthem under President Hoover.
  • Babe Ruth Retires

    Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player due to his skill and dedication among other things, retires successfully.
  • Einstein Suggest Creation of Atomic Bomb

    Nicknamed the Manhattan Project, Einstein informed the president of the possibility of a great nuclear power and the project to create it began.