1920s Canadian Timeline

  • Period: to

    timeline of Canada in the 1920s

    timeline of events that either benefited Canada or made things a bit more difficult for Canada
  • The Spanish Flu Pandemic- A -2 is given as this did not do anything good in Canada instead had made things difficult for Canada

    The Spanish Flu Pandemic-   A -2 is given as this did not do anything good in Canada instead had made things difficult for Canada
    This pandemic originated in the spring of 1918 and lasted until 1920. The outbreak saw multiple waves, the second one being the worse one in Canada. The virus had killed 55,000 Canadians. The virus had spread due to many soldiers returning from War back to Canada.The government had tried to put in health measures to try and stop the spread of the virus but none of these measures were taken that serious.The Pandemic left a huge economic and social impact.
  • Prohibition In Canada- A +1 is given as the event did make a difference in rules regarding alcohol but the prohibition didn’t last forever

    Prohibition In Canada-  A +1 is given as the event did make a difference in rules regarding alcohol but the prohibition didn’t last forever
    Prohibition in Canada is a ban on alcoholic beverages. Prohibition began with small municipal bans in the late 19th century which led to provincial bans during the 20th century, but prohibition on a national level only came to be in 1918 and ended in 1920. The original idea was to stop domestic abuse, fighting and drunkenness. But this did not go so well as most of the provinces repealed their bans by the 1920s, and prohibition was then replaced by regulations stopping the sale to minors.
  • Women's Fashion in Canada in the 1920s- A +2 is given as this era of fashion brought more modernized fashion which meant Canada was progressing more

    Women's Fashion in Canada in the 1920s-  A +2 is given as this era of fashion brought more modernized fashion which meant Canada was progressing more
    Womens fashion had changed drastically in the 1920s. Canada had entered a more modern era of fashion which meant women started to wear more modern such as short skirts and trousers and stopped wearing the traditional and old clothing.The flapper look also became more popular.Women started to get their hair bobbed or cut so it could fit under their hats.Shorter dresses also seemed to become more popular.
  • The discovery of Insulin- A +2 is given as insulin has benefited many people around the world and in Canada

    The discovery of Insulin-   A +2 is given as insulin has benefited many people around the world and in Canada
    In the summer of 1921, Frederick Banting had believed he might have found a treatment for diabetes. He approached James J.R.Macleod, Associate Dean of Medicine at UofT and director of the physiology lab.Macleod gave lab facilities and appointed a research assistant,Charles Herbert Best.The two had started their experiments on dogs and eventually humans and it had become successful. Biochemist James Bertram Collip was also added.. Banting and Macleod received a nobel peace prize.
  • Woman's right to vote and hold office- A +2 is given as this was a major moment in Canada for Women’s rights

    Woman's right to vote and hold office-  A +2 is given as this was a major moment in Canada for Women’s rights
    Canadian women's right to vote occurred in this country at different times, The three prairie provinces granted it first in 1916. The federal government granted it a year later in 1917 but this was for a limited time. By 1922 all of the Canadian provinces granted full suffrage, everyone except Quebec that is, the province only granted women the right to vote until 1940.
  • The invention of the Snowblower- A +1 is given as it is a Canadian invention which has made the lives of Canadians easier

    The invention of the Snowblower- A +1 is given as it is a Canadian invention which has made the lives of Canadians easier
    The snowblower was invented by a man named Arthur Sicard. His first prototype was completed in 1925.He then went on to create Sicard industries. By the time 1927 rolled around, his vehicles were removing snow from road ways.
  • The King-Byng Affair- A +1 is given as it did benefit Canada to be more independent

    The King-Byng Affair-   A +1 is given as it did benefit Canada to be more independent
    The crisis was a Canadian Constitutional Crisis of putting the powers of a prime minister against the governor general. The crisis basically was Prime Minister william Mackenzie KIng asked Governor General Lord Julian Byng of Vimy to dissolve parliament and call for fresh elections. Byng had refused and king still eventually went on to winning an election which led to no governor general ever being able to refuse the advice of a Prime Minister publically.
  • 1928 Summer Olympics- A +2 is given as Canada had done well this year and the women brought a lot of medals too

    1928 Summer Olympics-  A +2 is given as Canada had done well this year and the women brought a lot of medals too
    The 1928 summer olympics in Amsterdam were a very good year for Canada considering the fact that Canada was not that much of a huge country back. Canada had managed to win 15 metals in total; 4 g,4 s and 7 b with 2883 athletes(2606 men and 277 women). This year there were double the amount of women then the four years before that and 4 of the medals out of the 15 were acquired by women. It was also the first time Canada won more than 1 gold medal.
  • The Person's case- A +2 is given as this event changed the amount of possible oppurtunites in the future

    The Person's case-  A +2 is given as this event changed the amount of possible oppurtunites in the future
    The person's case was a constitutional ruling that gave women the right to be appointed to the senate. The case was led by the ''the Famous Five'' which was a group of women activists. In 1928 the supreme court of Canada ruled that women were not 'persons' and were not illegible to be appointed in the senate. The women appealed to the judicial committee of the privy council in London England which reversed the courts decision making women able to be appointed in senate.
  • The Great Depression- A -2 is given as it made the Canadian economy worse and Canada saw a lot of hardship

    The Great Depression-  A -2 is given as it made the Canadian economy worse and Canada saw a lot of hardship
    The great depression was an economic shock felt throughout the entire globe. The depression was caused by the stock market crash although this is highly debated. Canada was hit especially hard because of the country's reliance to raw materials. Another factor that contributed to the crisis was the "dust bowl" drought in the prairies which Canada relied on for wheat and other things. The great depression eventually ended due to the start of the second world war.