Prohibition starts
Wartime prohibition passed. Anti-German feelings transferred to being against beer. Prohibition advocates argued that the liquor industry was an unpatriotic use of resources, especially grain. -
18th amendent
Senate and House passed resolutions with the language of the 18th Amendment and sent it to the states for ratification. -
Period: to
ratification of the 18th amendment
48 of states ratified the 18th Amendment. Rhode Island and Connecticut were the only states to vote against it. -
Enforcement of the 18th amendment
Congress passed the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto, establishing procedures and powers to enforce prohibition under the 18th Amendment. -
The end of ratification
18th Amendment ratified, establishing prohibition as the law of the land. -
the era of prohibition
Prohibition Era begins -
Period: to 129
1920s and Prohibition
19th amendment
the 19th Amendment, granting the vote to women, became law. -
Herbert Hoover becomes president
dow reaches closing record
Smoot-Hawley traffic act
Reconstruction Finance Corperation
21st amendment
21st Amendment took effect, repealing the 18th Amendment and thus prohibition. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt takes office
Gold Reserve Act
Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act
Hottest summer on record
Hitler Conquers France
Dow closes
JFK becomes president
Period: to
1960's and public protests
The other american is published
Big tax cuts
Kennedy Assassination
More tax cuts
Civil Rights Act
Free Speech Movement
Medicare and Medicade
Minimum wage increase
Columbia Protest