1920s and Prohibition

  • The Eighteenth Amendment was issued

    The Eighteenth Amendment was the Amendment that made any form of alcohol illegal
  • The Nineteenth Amendment was issued

    The Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote.
  • Period: to

    The rise of American Gangsters begins

    The prohibition brought rise to the American gangsters including the icon known as Al Capone through the smuggling of moonshine around New York.
  • The Emergency Quota act issued

    The Emergency Quota act restricted immigration from those in Southern and Eastern Europe.
  • The 21 Club Opens in New York

    The 21 Club is said to be the first speakeasy to open after the start of the Prohbition.
  • The Louisiana Floods

    Around 50,000 people were affected due to these floods.
  • Adolf Hitler starts leading the Nazi party

    Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers Party which eventually became the Nazi party. 2 years after joining he attempts to seize governmental power in Munich. He was then sent to jail, and when he returns he becomes a leader of the Nazi party.
  • The Indian Citizenship act was issued

    The Indian Citizenship Act granted citizenship to all Native American people born in the U.S.
  • The Motorists Hotel opens

    The Motorists Hotel is the first motel to open. It opens in San Luis Obispo, California.
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash occurred due to an excess of wealth after World War 1. With the excess wealth, more people moved to the big cities. This caused a decline in large-scale production. Thus forcing the crash, and then The Great Depression.