1920s - '30s

  • Spanish Flu

    Not long after world war one a virus occured later becoming a pandemic throughout the world.This pandemic killed 50 - 100 million people. The virus started in Spain. It was caused by soilders coming home through the trenches. 8 million people lost their lives in Spain due to this deadly virus. Later it got brought to internation shipping which brought the virus all around the world.
  • Bloody Saturday

    The winnipeg general strike to a huge hault when the strike came to an aggresive turn. People we being injured, scared and even killed as the police attacked the harmless protesters leaving 2 dead bodies behind.
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    The winnipeg strick of 1919 was one of the largest strikes ever in Canadian History. More than 30,000 workers left their work. This strike however resulted in a lot of arrest, injuries and even death, 2 people died because of their protesting for euqal rights.
  • The group of seven

    In the early '20s circumstances brought together a group of seven artists who then agreed Canadas rugged wilderness had to be recorded.This style of art broke from natural European tradition.Today the men are amoung Canadas most famous artists.
  • The golden Age of Sports

    The golden age of sports lasted from the '20s - '30s (the great depression kind of ending it) This was a period in time where women were playing sports and they started while the men were fighting in war. This is why its called the Golden Age of sports and it was the start of a new beggining for sports in Canada.
  • Residential Schools

    Residential schools were schools for the indiginous people of Canada. The schools were to "kill the indian in the child" At these schools the children would be beat and even killed for speaking their own native language or trying to talk to their sister/brother. Kids were taken at young ages of even 6 and these school were later shut down for good in 1996.
  • Radio

    The radio was an invention to Canada which helped people get the news in a new fashion. People didn't have to see everything on the newspaper anymore they could just listen on the radio and this was revoloutionary for the future of the media. The radio also allowed people to listen to music and advertise. In the 1920s the radio quickly became a cheap and popular entertainment.
  • Period: to

    1920's - '30s

    This is my timeline
  • The Indian Act

    The aboriginal people that were in Canada formed an orginization to fight for their rights. They kept getting let down. Eventually they lost the land there and had not a single say in anything. the leader of the organisation was Fredrick Loft. Who was also a veteran from WW1. The organisation was a first attempt at equal rights.
  • Insulin

    Insulin the creation of Fredrick Banting that cured many people who lived diabetic. In January in Toronto the doctor tried the insulin he created on a young boy, Lenord Thompson and succeeded. This occured by months of concentration and hard work.
  • The chinese exclusion act

    The chinese exclusion act of 1923 was an act banning most forms of chinese immigration to Canada.
  • Persons Case

    In 1926 after a long time women could finally vote and could also participate in lots of work forces. During this time women were trying really hard to save and change the laws to benifit them and be more apart of society.
  • Talkies

    Talkies were just movies with sound. Talkies became a thing in the late '20s and started to become very popular amoung the country in the '30s the first talkie was premierd boxing day in Ottawa of 1928.
  • Black tuesday

    The stock market took a dramatic fall October 29th 1929. That day happened to be a tuesday, Black Tuesday this lasted until 1939 and it was a time where Canadians suffered great poverty.
  • Dust Bowl

    The dustbowl was a time in the '30s which brought sand storms to areas in a drought causing so much ecology and agriculture to be destroyed