The 18th Amendment
This Amendment banned all making, selling, or manfutracing of acholic. -
Fallpers satred in the 1920s, which were women that wores their short and were short skirts and had a care free adttuied this was very diffrent from what women normally drees like. -
19th Amendment
The 19th Amendment was past, which allowed all women to vote. -
president hovver
Presdeint hovver was elcted as president -
black tuseday
was the great stock crash in octobor 1929 it was the end of the roaring 20 into the great depression. marked in history as one of the worst stock crash in history. -
unemployed ment rose to form 1.5 million people to 3.2 million people due to the great depression. -
Food riots
Food riots begin to break out in parts of the U.S. In Minneapolis, several hundred men and women smash the windows of a grocery market and make off with fruit, canned goods, bacon, and ham. -
Rossevlt elcted for president
Presdeint rossevlt was elceted presdient, his goal was to end the great depression. -
Banks closed
Presditn rosslvet closed all the banks for a 3 day period, some banks this wasnt permeint but for most banks stayed closed. -
New Deal porgram
Presdent rossevlt launched the second new deal program, which was programs to help end the great depression.