1920's women

  • Period: to

    1920's women

  • Woman are trying to vote

    league of woman voters is founded
  • Woman are ready to work

    Woman Bureau department of labor is formed
  • Ratification

    Tennessee is the 36th state to ratify amendment
  • 19th Amendment

    woman are given the right to vote in the U.S. when the 19th amendment came
  • Birth Control

    Birth control is now created
  • Pulitzer Prize

    Edith Wharton becomes the first woman in the United States to get the Pulitzer Prize for age of innocence
  • Miss America

    Miss America begins
  • Woman can go to college in Carolina now

    University of Carolina opened housing for female graduates
  • Equal Rights

    Alice paul proposes the Equal Rights Amendment
  • First African American woman in Republican National Committee

    Mary Montgomery Booze was the first African American woman elected to the Republican National Committee
  • 1st woman governor

    Nellie Tayloe Ross(Wyoming) is inaugurated as 1st woman governor in the US
  • 1st women's world fair

    The World Exposition Of Women’s Progress
  • The Great Gatsby

    "I'm glad it's a girl. and I hope she'll be a fool-that's all a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool" Women have no rights so they had to be fools 12 "I want to see you, get on the next train... He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York... " women were being used for many reasons and couldn't do much about it 17 "...Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily. They're such beautiful shirts..." 61 Woman had to leave their love to find someone to depend on
  • 1st woman to swim the English Channel

    Gertrude Ederle is the 1st woman to swim the English Channel, while broke records help previously
  • 1st African American woman in the U.S. Supreme Court

    Voilette N. Anderson(attorney) is the 1st African American woman to present a case in the U.S. Supreme Court
  • 1st woman pilot

    Phoebe Omlie was first woman to be licensed as a pilot
  • College Degrees

    Women are beginning to earn 39% of college degrees
  • Flying over Atlantic Ocean

    Amelia Earhart flies over the Atlantic ocean
  • Olympics

    Woman can now compete in the Olympic field events
  • 1st woman director of AGMA

    Rose Knox(industrialist) becomes the first woman director of American Grocery Manufacturers Association
  • Puerto Rico woman rights

    Puerto Rico also grants women's rights to vote
  • Women's 1st election

    The first general election where women were allowed to vote
  • 1st woman in senate

    Rebecca L. Felton becomes the first woman to be in the U.S. Senate