1920's Timeline

  • Prohibition begins

    Prohibition begins
    The ratification of the 19 amendment, and it coming into effect angerd some, ad made others happy. Prohibition caused many strikes, fights, etc. ALso, the 18th amendment was the first, and only amendment to be repealed.
  • 19th amendment is ratified

    19th amendment is ratified
    The 19th amendment granted all women the right to vote in all public elections. This was a big step for equality in America.
  • KDKA In Pittsburgh

    KDKA In Pittsburgh
    KDKA was the first radio station, broadcasting from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This was the begining of radio,which advanced to music, news, and talk shows.
  • Congress enacts Emergency Quota Act

    Congress enacts Emergency Quota Act
    The Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants allowed from Europe. Only immigrants with similar culture were allowed. This kept the United States one major culture everyone followed, until it was replaced by the Immigration Act of 1924
  • The boll weevil ruins more than 85 percent of the South’s cotton crop

    The boll weevil ruins more than 85 percent of the South’s cotton crop
    The boll weevil spreads through the south and eats much of the crops. Any crops untreated (which many were untreated) would be ruined.
  • The stock market begins its spectacular rise

    The stock market begins its spectacular rise
    Becofe the Great Depression hit, 5 years after, the economy was doing terrific. The stock market rose and was great until 1929.
  • National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act

    National Origins Act replaces Emergency Quota Act
    This new act still had restrictions on immigration but changed some. These had more specific guidelines than the Emergency Quota act.
  • Ku Klux Klan members stage a major march through Washington, D.C.

    Ku Klux Klan members stage a major march through Washington, D.C.
    The Ku Klux Klan marched through the streets of Wshington DC in their last protest. Over fourty-thousand eople attendend.
  • Scopes trial takes place in Dayton, Tennessee.

    Scopes trial takes place in Dayton, Tennessee.
    John Scoped was teaching evolution, which was illegal in the state of Tennesee. He was put on trial and lost.
  • Langston Hughes publishes “The Weary Blues.”

    Langston Hughes publishes “The Weary Blues.”
    The Weary Blues is a poem by Langston Hughes. It made many curious about blues music.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti are executed.

    Sacco and Vanzetti are executed.
    Sacco and Vanzetti are executed for a murder. There was little evidence, but later they were found not guilty.
  • Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh made the first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. This started the advancment and growing popularity in airplanes, that would later be used in the military and easy long distance travel.
  • Herbert Hoover is elected US president

    Herbert Hoover is elected US president
    Hoover was the 31st president, in office during the begining of the Great Depression. he contribuited to the fall during the Great Depression.