1920's timeline

  • Sacco and Vanzetti arrested

    Sacco and Vanzetti arrested
    Sacco and Vanzetti were Italian immigrants that were arrested for the robbery of a shoe factory, and found guilty. However, their innocence is still argued to this day by historians because it's believed that they were being prosecuted for their ethnic background and radical political beliefs. It also definitely didn't help that they refused to register for the draft during WW1.
  • KDKA goes live

    KDKA goes live
    KDKA was the very first radio network in America, in Pittsburgh, PA, which had its first broadcast in 1920, 104 years ago.
  • First Miss America

    First Miss America
    The first Miss America Pageant was in 1921, with the winner being Margaret Gorman. The pageant was invented to try to keep tourists around after Labor Day, help the economy and "feature the most accomplished married and single women of America"
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Teapot Dome was a scandal involving President Harding in which Harding leased Navy petroleum that he was not allowed to do anything with, and it led to a 3 year long scandal that destroyed Harding's reputation.
  • 1st winter olympics held

    1st winter olympics held
    The first winter olympics was held on this day, in Chamonix, France, with 258 athletes.
  • great gatsby published

    great gatsby published
    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most well-known American books ever written, and it's honestly kind of funny that it's about the illusionary part of the American dream, because no matter how much money you might have, it'll never mean you have happiness.
  • scopes monkey trial

    scopes monkey trial
    A PE teacher subbed for a science class one day in a high school and taught evolution when it was illegal, knowing full well that it was so he could get the case. He was taken to trial in Tennessee, which I'd argue was his first mistake, knowing how christian the state is and the fact that it's 1925, and the trial lasted 8 days. within 9 minutes, the jury found him guilty and he was fined $100.
  • Charles Lindberg Flight

    Charles Lindberg Flight
    Charles Lindberg would become famous because in 1927, he completed the very first solo, nonstop transatlantic flight in history from Long Island, New York to Paris, France. His plane was called the Spirit of St. Louis, and it's in the Smithsonian Museum to this day.
  • The Jazz Singer debuts

    The Jazz Singer debuts
    The Jazz Singer was the first movie that had sound, which came out in 1927 and changed media forever, even if the movie wasn't memorable.
  • st. valentine's day massacre

    st. valentine's day massacre
    7 of Bugs Moran's bootleggers were lined up in a Chicago Garage on Valentine's day and murdered by what was believed to be Al Capone's people, but nobody was ever arrested or prosecuted because Al was a celebrity of his time.
  • black tuesday

    black tuesday
    The stock market failed on this day, and so for the first time in American history it was all the people in nice suits that were broke. People sold their cars, homes, kids, really anything and everything that they could just to live.