1920's Timeline

  • Prohibition Amendment

    Prohibition Amendment
    The Probithion it was when all the distilleries and breweries were close because the anti saloon league and the women Christian temperance union believe that alcohol was the cause women were beated and child were abuse. So they create these new law.
  • Postwar labor tensions

    Postwar labor tensions
    it was a period of social anxieties and fears because of inflation.
  • Women can vote!

    Women can vote!
    The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution becomes official. Women age twenty-one years and older now have the right to vote.
  • First Radio Brodcasts

    First Radio Brodcasts
    Station KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, initiates regular radio broadcasts, the first station to do so.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein lectures in New York about his theory of relativity.
  • American Birth Control League.

    American Birth Control League.
    Margaret Sanger forms the American Birth Control League.
  • New Yanke Stadium

    New Yanke Stadium
    A new yanke stadium was built so that they could sell more tickets
  • Labors laws

    Labors laws
    U. S. Steel implements the 8-hour day, a victory for labor.
  • Calvin Coolidge takes over.

    Calvin Coolidge takes over.
    President Warren Harding dies. Vice-President Calvin Coolidge becomes President. Coolidge will run for re-election in 1924 and will become the 30th President of the United States.
  • Cars and Radios

    Cars and Radios
    Ford Motor Company makes its 10 millionth Model T car. About 2.5 million radios are now in use in the United States with over 500 broadcast stations.
  • The Scopes Trial

    The Scopes Trial
    The Scopes trial begins as John T. Scopes of Tennessee is arrested for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • Charleston dance

    Charleston dance
    The Charleston dance is created and is a sensation. Women that dance Charleston are called "Flappers"
  • The television was created

    The television was created
    Inventor John Logie Baird of Scotland invents the television
  • Flies solo

    Flies solo
    Charles Lindbergh becomes the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Paris. The flight takes 33.5 hours.
  • Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney

    Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney
    Walt Disney releases Steamboat Willie, his first cartoon with synchronized sound. Mickey is voiced by Disney himself.
  • New York Stock Exchange fails.

    New York Stock Exchange fails.
    Overconfidence causes people to pour their savings into the stock market to try to earn quick money. But when prices start to fall, panic begins and the market loses millions of shares as people try to recover their money. Many lose everything they have. Starting with a boom and ending with a bust, the 1920s was a catalyst for many changes soon to affect the world.