The 19th Amendment
The 19th Ademdment prohibits any United State citizen from being denied to vote. The Nineteenth Amendment was first introduced in Congress in 1878 by Senator Aaron A. Sargent. Forty-one years later, in 1919, Congress approved the amendment and submitted it to the states for ratification. -
KDKA in Pittsburgh
KDKA was the world's first commercial radio station. It was createed in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. KDKA is now owned by the raido statioon CBS. -
Congress enacts Emergency Quota Act.
The emergency quota act was a emergency immigration. The country imposed sa acted ccalled a quota andthe quota limmited the the number of immigrants who would be admitted from any country. -
Boll Weevil
A Boll Weevile is a small weevil that feeds on the fibers of the cotton boll. It is a major pest of the American cotton crop. The weevil destroyed the cotten crops. -
The stock market begins to rise
The stock market begins its spectacular rise. Bears little relation to the rest of the economy. -
Ku Klux Klan
An increase in the number of immigrants made the Ku Klux Klan and its 40,000 members march on Washington to show its protest against these new comers. -
Langston Hughes publishes “The Weary Blues.”
Published during the age of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes showed the struggles and life of an average African American. Gave a voice to the color people, and made the white people look at the "problem" from another point of view. -
Sacco and Vanzetti flies across the Atlantic.
Charles Lindberg was the man who completed the first solo airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Herbert Hoover is elected U.S. president.
Was the republican candiate, and was the president during the stock market crash. He is blamed for not taking action sooner.