
1920's, and 1930's Timeline Final Product

  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    World War 1 was over and veterans were coming home. A communist labor party formed and people were immediately scared that communism was going to come and rule The United States starting in 1917 and ending in about 1920 (The Red Scare).
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance was a time of Black literature and culture. There was lots of music, art, poetry, and other literature that developed during this time started in 1918 and ending in the mid 1930's (Harlem Renaissance).
  • Consumerism

    This was a time when people could buy whatever they wanted on credit, as well as new inventions that people could buy for less. Henry Ford made the automobile much cheaper through mass production and his assembly line (1920s consumption).
  • Transportation

    Henry Ford with his assembly line created cars that people could afford so that a new evolution of transportation from horses to engine-driven automobiles.
  • Radio and Movies

    Radio and Movies
    The 1920s was a time of new, messages were now being broadcasted over the radio, and movies now had sound. People were attending movies much more, and radios were becoming a common item in the American home. (Movies, radio, and sports in the 1920s).
  • Womens Rights

    Womens Rights
    Women in this time were pushing the limit of what they could and couldn't do. They got the right to vote during this time, and flappers were becoming a thing. Flappers were young women that pushed the limits of what women could do before, socially. Also during this time, women were participating in sports which was new considering that it was never allowed before (Women's suffrage).
  • Prohibition

    The 18th amendment prohibited anything to do with intoxicating liquor. Including sale, transportation, and manufacturing. Prohibition happened because people thought it would bring down crime rates, however, this was wrong because now people were illegally manufacturing and selling the liquor (Prohibition).
  • Tulsa Massacre

    Tulsa Massacre
    A residential area Known as Black Wall Street was burned down and hundreds were killed. Black Wall Street was a black neighborhood (The Tulsa Massacre).
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    The Scopes trial was a political event in which a teacher had gotten in trouble for teaching evolution which a recent law (The Butler act) had made illegal. The trial was the first ever to be broadcasted on the radio and was greatly politicized (The Scopes Trial and Teaching Evolution).
  • Hoovervilles

    As the Great Depression hit the U.S. and as unemployment rose people lost everything. Poverty struck and people were homeless so they had to do whatever they could to live. They built shanny towns with what they could find, wherever they could find with a space to build (Hoovervilles).
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    This was a time of economic depression that wiped out The United States. There was vast unemployment and the president didn't do anything about it. Many things from the 1920s lead to the cause of the great depression including buying on credit, and an overproduction of goods (Great Depression).
  • Causes of the Great Depression

    Causes of the Great Depression
    Causes the great depression, include buying on margin "Buy Now Pay Later" sort of thinking came into place. Another cause was an overproduction of goods that no one wanted anymore because the economy was already declining. The economy also crashed when stocks became more expensive than they were actually worth, "over-speculation". The great depression was caused because of high tariffs including the Hawley Smoot act that raised the cost to import by about 20 percent (Great Depression History).
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    This was a time during the great depression when severe dust storms hit Texas, Nebraska, and other states because of an overproduction of crops that destroyed the land. These storms happened in the 1930s and were devastating, people and livestock died, things were buried, and it was treacherous (Dust Bowl).
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    FDR closed banks to prevent further loss of money in the economy. He also did this to help turn around the great depression and restore confidence in the economy. (Bank Holiday of 1933).
  • FDR's New Deal

    FDR's New Deal
    When America had hit rock bottom and herbert hoover did nothing to stop the great depression. FDR stepped in and ran for president with his New Deal he won the election and immediately went to work with his plan. The three R's Relief Recovery and Reform were to stop further deterioration of the economy, create programs to recover and create programs to prevent this from happening again hence why social security came around (The New Deal).
  • TVA

    Tennesse Valley Authority was established as part of FDR's New Deal. It built dams for flood control they provided electricity from their hydroelectric dams, and they also provided reforestation (TVA).
  • CCC

    This was an agency that provided jobs to unskilled workers in the great depression. They made contributions to forest management flood control and other conservation projects. The men that were working, in turn, got training and a small paycheck (Civilian Conservation Corps).
  • WPA

    Works Progress Administration gave jobs to millions of Americans to carry out public projects. This was one of FDR's agencies to provide jobs for people in his New Deal. Many of their projects were building Schools, and hospitals, and other infrastructure (Works Progress Administration (WPA).