1920's And 1930's

By Killa23
  • Emily Murphy

    Emily Murphy
    Emily Murphy was a Canadian women's rights activist and author. She is generally known for her contributions to whether a woman should be considered "Persons" under Canadian law. As well as being able to vote in an election
  • Start of the Spanish flu

    The exact location of where the strain started is unknown, but it was found in areas of Europe, America and some parts of Asia. It became known as the Spanish flu because Spain got hit the hardest by the flu. Doctors were shocked when they found out that this strain of the flu was stuck young, healthy people, people that normally were better at dealing with it Its estimated that 20-50million people died worldwide.
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    The Winnipeg General Strike

    The Winnipeg General Strike was one of the largest strikes in Canadian history, more than 30,000 workers left their jobs. Most major city services were shut down. When the strike ended there were plenty of arrests, injuries and two protesters were killed. The striker's goal of collective bargaining, better wages, and better working conditions didn't happen right away but some of the members of the strike helped establish wants now known as the NDP(New Democratic Party)
  • New Fashion

    New Fashion
    All around the country new designs of fashion were sparking up everywhere. New dresses for women and new suits for men. were being advertised all the time on the radio. A nickname for a women's dress was a flapper, they were a dress with a dropped waist and creeping hemlines that could be created in economical fabrics. Coco Chanel helped popularize this style.
  • Creation of the Radio

    The radio was used as it is today to broadcast news on channels such as (BBC) British Broadcasting Corporation. Later among the the years in WW2 both sides used radios to communicate long distances with no need of a runner.
  • Creation of the Residential Schools

    Residential Schools were built to forcibly separate indigenous kids from the family and take their culture away and make them act more like white people/"culturize them". but the schools were a lot worse then they looked. there was physical, sexual, emotional and phycological abuse.
  • Creation of Prohibition

    Prohibition was ban of alcohol, but people got creative of how they were getting their liquor. some people would make homemade liquor. others would smuggle it in from other countries. this is the time when the notorious smuggler al Capone was the most prevalent.
  • Insulin Created

    Insulin Created
    Before Dr. Fredrick G Banting discovered Insuilin before you were kinda out of luck if you were diabetic, doctors found out about the sugar in diabetics' urine. one of the things they would do is recommend a dietary change.
  • New Dances

    New Dances
    The people of the 1920s came up with new popular styles of dancing for whatever party or speakeasy you went to. Some included The Charleston, It is one of the most Iconic 1920's dance styles alongside The Fox Trot.
  • The Automobile

    The Automobile
    Henry Ford's first automobile was the first of its kind, it had only two forward speeds and could not back up. by the mid-1920s the automobile won the revolution ford had begun. Later in the year cars got an improved braking system. and because of the assembly line cars were cheap since they could produce them so fast.
  • Creation Of Talkies

    Talkies were silent movies where the video would play on a movie screen, and their would be text to back it up because they weren't able to put audio over the movie. most of the time these movies were short.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday was the day of an economic downfall. thousands of accounts were wiped of their stocks, leading to the great depression
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    Great Depression

    People were losing homes, starving, and dying. This all started because of three main causes. 1. Overproduction and over-expansion. 2. Canada's dependence on primary products such as wheat, fish, minerals, pulp, and paper. 3. Canada is dependent on the USA, with 65% of all imports.4 High tariffs killed international trade(Tried to protect local business). 5 Too much credit buying. 6 too much credit buying of stocks, buying on margin.
  • Relief Camps

    People would work at these camps to be fed, but they didn't know signing up that the work would be back breaking. and maybe people tried to make a change for it.
  • New Political Parties

    During the great depression people needed a leader to help them out of the great depression. This is when the New Democratic Party (NDP) they won the most seats and obtained Official Opposition Status.