1920's America

  • KDKA goes on air from Pittsburg,

    The first commercial broadcast for a regularly transmitting station
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    The President sells a oil reserve for personal gain,
  • 1st Miss America Pageant

  • 1st Winter Olympic

    The 1st of the Winter Olympics was held in France.
  • Great Gatsby is published

  • Sacco and Vancetti are arrested

    2 anarchists are arrested for robbery and murder during the 1st red scare.
  • Charles Lindbergh completes the first TransAtlantic Flight.

    Charles Lindbergh becomes the first person to go across the Atlantic Solo.
  • St Valentines day massacre

    gang members were shot by rivals dressed as cops.
  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market crashes causing the Great Depression.
  • Scopes monkey trial

    A teacher is arrested and a trial about teaching evolution starts.