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1920's and 1930's

By Cjbodie
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    The Red scare

    The Red scare refers to high tensions between The U.S.A. and growing communist countries like Russia during the years between 1917-1920. During this time many Americans were overcome by the fear that a communist country would invade America, so Congress passed "The sedition act of 1918 to limit the exercise of speech that was deemed disloyal to the U.S. (The first red scare)". This expanded to the Espionage Act of 1917 to limit speech and expressions of opinins that were negative against the US
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    Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance was a result of African Americans moving from the south to northern cities but mostly focused in New York's, Harlem during 1918-1937. This created a whole new environment that no one had ever seen in New York. Black Americans have called this the golden age of their culture, and it created both economic and creative opportunities. Some white Americans didn't like this and even went as far as going the legal route to get rid of African Americans from their neighborhoods.
  • Flappers

    Flappers became known in the 1920s for their so-called un-lady-like style, they did this by bobbing their hair and wearing shorter dresses than traditional women would wear at the time. Many disagreed about this, but many of the younger generations liked this new style on a woman and didn't mind it at all.
  • Increase of Sports entertainment

    Increase of Sports entertainment
    From the 1920s to even today many Americans love watching sports. Sports took a big increase in the '20s and '30s because of the new work hour regulation hours, so many men would get off work and not know what to do with so much time left in the day, so they bought season tickets to their closest baseball field to go watch their favorite baseball team for only $1.00.
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    Spread of consumerism

    Consumerism spread a lot in the 1920s and 30's due to the big increase in production and the invention of the assembly line where more products could be produced faster which meant that the supply and demand would flip, this meant that almost anyone could have a car, radio, and even a fridge with a little to no money.
  • Founding of the League of Nations

    Founding of the League of Nations
    The League of Nations is a government of the highest world leaders created to make peace all across the world following up after the Paris Peace conference ending WW1.
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    Prohibition was the 18th amendment that make alcohol illegal and was created because many politicians thought that the grain going to make alcohol could be made into bread for soldiers in Europe during WWI. This led to a problem in the U.S. many would come to create "speakeasies", which were underground bars, and some would become "bootleggers" which was a person who would smuggle alcohol across state lines to these "speakeasies". This amendment would later be taken away by the 19th amendment.
  • Women get the right to vote

    Women get the right to vote
    For many years women tried to get the right to vote and for many years women couldn't until the 19th amendment was passed on 08/18/1920. With this amendment being passed it allowed the other half of the country to vote, which could give politicians a lead in a debate if needed.
  • Installment plan

    Installment plan
    The Installment plan was created so that Americans who didn't have enough money could buy a product for almost nothing and be able to pay it back at a later time when they did have enough money. This led to many problems because people would get a product and never pay it back to the store owner.
  • The Tulsa Massacre

    The Tulsa Massacre
    During the 1920s in Tulsa, Oklahoma many Whites did not like the idea of Whites and blacks living together, so on May 31, 1921. I riot broke out between the two racial groups resulting in 36 deaths and 10,000 homeless black families around the area.
  • Scopes monkey trial

    Scopes monkey trial
    In Dayton, Tennessee a science teacher by the name of John Thomas Strokes started teaching the theory of evolution created by Charles Darwin in 1859, many parents and even teachers were outraged by this and it soon went to the court system, and after 11 days John T. Strokes was found guilty of teaching the theory of evolution and fined $100.
  • Black tuesday

    Black tuesday
    In 1929 the most devastating economic disaster struck when the stock market crashed On October 9, 1929. This sent people to go crazy and run to the bank to get the money that they lost in the stock market, some got their money back, but others weren't so lucky. Many lost their jobs and went homeless some even went as far as not telling their wives they lost their jobs, so they would not worry. This stock crisis would go on for four more years and would be known as the great depression.
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    Great Depression

    The great depression was the result of Black Tuesday, and was caused by Over production of goods, buying on margin, and Laissez-Faire Government Policies. The next four years were complete hell for the Americans who lost their money and jobs. Many families even went homeless and bankrupt. After President Hoovers time in office was up, Americans wanted somebody new so they elected Franklin D. Roosevelt who proposed what he called the "New Deal".
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    During the great depression, many American families needed a home for the time being, so they created what they called "Hoovervilles" and they named them "Hoovervilles" because of their dislike for President Hoover. "Hoovervilles" were make-shift towns made up of boxes and scrap pecies of wood in everyday areas like parks and baseball fields.
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    The Dust bowl

    During this time of the great depression, the family's in the midwestern states like Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas were hit hard by the dust storms that ravished the crops of the farmers and made the land unfarmable in those states, and even killed livestock and people on that land. These storms were created by overfarming of the land, which made the land dry up, and when the wind got hold of these dry lands it created bigger and bigger dust devils that eventually created dust storms.
  • Migration of the Okies

    Migration of the Okies
    During "The Dust Bowl" many people from Oklahoma heard of better farming opportunities in California on the westward seaboard, so they packed everything they had in their car and started to travel on route 66. These people were called "Okies". Many of these families did not make it to California though, some families broke down and had to start their new lives on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
  • Founding of the AAA

    Founding of the AAA
    Apart of this "New Deal" came the "AAA". The ''AAA'' was made to increase the agriculture prices by decreasing the products farmers produced. The government did this by buying livestock and paying farmers not to plant crops on parts of their land. The government was successful in doing this and raising the prices of products which meant that businesses would have to pay more for products and more money would have to be made to be able to but those products.
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    The New Deal

    After FDR was elected he promoted what he called the "New Deal", the "New Deal" was a number of new programs to help America get back on track to a better arigculture.
  • Founding of the CCC

    Founding of the CCC
    Apart of this "New Deal" came the "CCC". The "CCC" "was a work relief program that gave millions of young men employment on environmental projects during the Great Depression (Civilian Conservation Corps)." These young men planted millions of trees and created over seven hundred plus, national parks across the country that we still use today.
  • Founding of the TVA

    Founding of the TVA
    Apart of this "New Deal" came the "TVA" that "improved the navigability and to provide for the flood control of the Tennessee River (Tenennes valley authority)." The "TVA" provided electricity to all of the Tenennes valley by hydro elcctic dam's. With the dam's there came new jobs to maintian those dam's. This made the tenese valley one of the best places for people looking for jobs.
  • Founding of the WPA

    Founding of the WPA
    Apart of this "New Deal" came the "WPA". The "WPA" was to help Americans find jobs and "put roughly 8.5 million Americans to work(Works Progress Administration (WPA))." WIth all these new jobs being created especially from the "TVA". This ultimately restored the economy to before great depression.