Women's Suffrage
On August 20th, 1920 women ages 21 and older gained the right to vote. This became possible through the 19th Amendment of our constitution when it became official. Before this women fought and protested to gain more women's rights. Without women's movement, the 19th amendment might have never became possible. -
Alcohol Prohibition Starts
In result of protests from women against the effect of alcohol on their husbands, the 18th Amendment of theUnited States came into play. The 18th amendment prohibited alcoholic beverages to be made, sold, or transported in the United States. Although, thus prohibition did not stay permanent because of the illegal actions done involving alcohol and the creation of mafias. -
The Black Sox Scandal
This scandal was centered on the charge that 8 Chicago Whit Sox players had been bribed to lose the 1919 World Series. These players included Eddie Cicotte, Claude Williams, Arnold Gandil, Charles Risberg,George Weaver, Joe Jackson, Oscar Felsch, and Fred McMullin. This caused them to all be suspended. Also, babe Ruth, another famous American baseball player was sold to the Yankees from the Red Sox. -
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Calvin Coolidge takes office
The 29th Presidentof the United States, Warren Harding, died August 2nd 1923. This then resulted in the Vice-President, Calvin Coolidge to take office. Coolidge officially becomes the 30th President of the United States and later runs for re-election in 1924. -
Cars and Radios Skyrocket
Ford Motor Company makes its 10 millionth Model T car. Ford's only other competition was Durante Motors. Also, about 2.5 million radios were used in the United States at this time with over 500 broadcast stations. -
The Charleston
The Charleston was a dance that was very popular during the 1920's era, and was formally introduced/ made famous in a New York play in 1923. The Charleston involved big arm movements and fast-paced swinging of the legs. Women who had danced the Charleston were known as "flappers". -
Charles Lindburgh Flies Solo
Charles Lindburgh, an American aviator, flew solo making the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Lindburgh departed from New York and landed in Paris around 34 hours later. There had been other pilots who had crossed the Atlantic before him, but Charles Lindburgh was the first to do it by himself and without stopping. -
Movies With Sound
The Jazz Singer, an American musical film, is released. This movie is the first to ever have sound with synchronized dialogue and song. After this, movies were then referred to "talkies", because this was the end of the silent-film era. -
Mickey Mouse is Born
Walt Disney premieres Steamboat Willie, Disney's very first cartoon with synchronized sound. Mickey and a batch of other characters were introduced and this was one of the major sparks to Disney's career. Also, Mickey Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney! -
Stock Market Crash
On October 29th,1929, billions of dollars were lost which wiped out thousands of investors. In result of this, America and the rest of the world spiraled downward into the Great Depression. The Great Depression had eventually lasted the entire way to 1939.