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  • Roosevelt’s Corollary

    Roosevelt’s Corollary
    A contribution to our foreign policy by - you guessed it - Roosevelt.
  • Scopes-Monkey Trial

    Scopes-Monkey Trial
    This Supreme Court case is the beginning of a shift from conservative Christian to modern points of view in the public.
  • Herbert Hoover elected

    Herbert Hoover elected
    The 30th president enters his term with no idea that he’ll be blamed for the Great Depression.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    10 years of partying leads to a lot more of suffering. Like a decade long hangover.
  • FDR elected

    FDR elected
    Distantly related to Teddy Roosevelt, FDR is like the grandpa of American presidents.
  • FDR begins Fireside Chats

    FDR begins Fireside Chats
    FDR becomes everybody’s grandpa, hosting a radio program to help Americans feel safe and informed.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt becomes First Lady

    Eleanor Roosevelt becomes First Lady
    What kind of lunatic would want to be Cleopatra over Eleanor Roosevelt?
  • Rosie the Riveter image first used

    Rosie the Riveter image first used
    Rosie would become iconic, especially in the feminist movement.
  • Cold War begins

    Cold War begins
    America goes on the defense after nuking Japan, trying to avoid planetary destruction as the rest of the world caught up with them.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    In this landmark case, segregation is re-evaluated and deemed unconstitutional.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott ends

    Montgomery Bus Boycott ends
    African-Americans start riding the busses again after protesting unfair treatment for over a year.
  • JFK elected

    JFK elected
    One of the most famous presidents follows one of the least.
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
    During his re-election campaign, incumbent president John F. Kennedy is shot in his convertible.
  • The Feminine Mystique is published

    The Feminine Mystique is published
    Betty Friedan’s book made the point that not all women want to do the same things. Shocker.
  • Bull Connor uses firehoses

    Bull Connor uses firehoses
    A very gross man uses firehoses to slam innocent, peaceful black protesters into brick walls.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    It advanced civil rights, but I couldn’t tell you when it was passed.
  • Griswold v. Connecticut

    Griswold v. Connecticut
    This Supreme Court victory helped women gain contraceptive rights.
  • Malcolm X killed

    Malcolm X killed
    The leader of the Black Power movement is murdered.
  • NOW formed

    NOW formed
    The National Organization of Women was founded to help women have a political voice.
  • Nixon elected

    Nixon elected
    What tapes?
  • MLK killed

    MLK killed
    Martin Luther King Jr. is murdered after years of successful civil rights work.
  • Woodstock

    A musical festival with an audience of 400,000 hippies. Yikes.
  • Vietnam draft begins

    Vietnam draft begins
    It’s the first draft in 25 years - all for a war that wasn’t even technically a war.
  • Nixon’s revised Philadelphia Plan is implemented

    Nixon’s revised Philadelphia Plan is implemented
    Affirmative action is put into place in the workforce.
  • Kent State shootings

    Kent State shootings
    If you’re looking for evidence that arming teachers or putting guards at school isn’t going to help gun violence, this is a perfect example.
  • ERA sent to the states for ratification

    ERA sent to the states for ratification
    The Equal Rights Amendment is drafted but not passed, and a resurgent attempt is going on in 2018.
  • Title IX passed

    Title IX passed
    This mandate ended discriminations based on gender in places like college admissions and sports.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Another landmark Supreme Court case, this made abortions legal in the US.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    After months of scandal, President Nixon resigns before his impeachment trial can be held.
  • Reagan elected

    Reagan elected
    Another actor becomes president and marks a conservative shift in US politics for a few terms.
  • Sandra Day O’Connor becomes first female SC Justice

    Sandra Day O’Connor becomes first female SC Justice
    O’Connor served for 25 years on the Supreme Court after being appointed by Ronald Reagan.
  • Geraldine Ferraro runs for Vice President

    Geraldine Ferraro runs for Vice President
    She didn’t win, but she made history as the first woman to run from a major party.
  • Cold War ends

    Cold War ends
    The Berlin Wall comes down and relations between the US and Russia are (mostly) restored.
  • Bill Clinton elected

    Bill Clinton elected
    One of the more controversial presidents on this list is this one. -Perd Hapley
  • Clinton impeached

    Clinton impeached
    President Bill Clinton is impeached, largely due to his deceit regarding an extramarital affair.
  • World Trade Center falls

    World Trade Center falls
    The terrorist attack is America’s first major exposure to Al Qaeda, an extremist Muslim gang.
  • Barack Obama elected

    Barack Obama elected
    Like him or not, he’s the first black man to become our president and that’s pretty cool.
  • Hillary Clinton runs for President

    Hillary Clinton runs for President
    Though her campaign is highly contested by the GOP, Clinton wins the popular vote and makes history as the first woman to run for the job.