
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Women win the vote in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta

  • The Winnipeg General Strike

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Newfoundland joins Canada

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    Korean War

  • St. Lawrence Seaway (major transportation route) officially opens

  • Québec’s Quiet Revolution begins; Native Canadians given the vote

  • Canada’s 100th birthday; Expo 67 World’s Fair in Montréal

  • October Crisis: political kidnappings, Ottawa suspends civil rights

  • Québec referendum on “sovereignty-association” defeated 60% to 40%

  • Constitution comes home — with a Charter of Rights and Freedoms

  • Period: to

    Meech Lake Accord is put forward — and collapses

  • Charlottetown Accord is rejected by a national referendum

  • Québec referendum on sovereignty is narrowly defeated

  • The new Arctic territory of Nunavut is created

  • Clarity Bill outlines the terms of Québec separation

  • Canada says “no” to joining the war in Iraq

  • Former PM Jean Chrétien and sitting PM Paul Martin testify at the Gomery Inquiry

  • Canada sets record for gold medals at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games

  • Canada's 150th Birthday