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1914-1929 Timeline - Gurshan Brar

  • Women On The Homefront (+1)

    Women On The Homefront (+1)
    (Social, and Economic)
    1914 September by now women start to fill the workforce due to the number of men going to fight in the war. 1 in 8 workers were women, most worked in factories where they made supplies which were used in the war. During this time many women gained financial independence and freedom. This is a +1 because many women gained independence and freedom but they had to work intense long hours without breaks making it a very energy consuming job.
  • The War Begins (-1)

    The War Begins (-1)
    (War, Social, and Political)
    June 29th 1914 Marks the day the war began. Many soldiers who were sent out believed that this would be a way to see things outside of Canada. They also believed that this war would be over by Christmas, they would soon find out that it would take much longer than anticipated. This is a -1 because many were excited to go and join the war but the war was not a great thing because with war comes death and destruction.
  • The Wartime Election Act (+2)

    The Wartime Election Act (+2)
    (Political, and Social)
    The prime minister at the time, Prime Minister Borden, needed more votes to win the election so he created the Wartime Election Act which made it so women could vote and help Prime Minister Border win the election. I put this as a +2 because it helped those women who were eligible take a step forward for all women and show some independence.
  • The Representation of The People Act (+1)

    The Representation of The People Act (+1)
    (Social, and Political)
    1918, February, 6th The representation of the people act 1918 helped women gain even more rights. This act made it so women over the age of 30 could vote and men over the age of 21. This is a +1 because this made it so women had a bigger impact on our society. This is only a +1 since they did not give the rights to all women and only to those who were house owner or married to a house owner.
  • The Treaty of Versailles (+2)

    The Treaty of Versailles (+2)
    (War, and Political)
    Slide #9
  • Residential Schools (Social,Political) (-2)

    Residential Schools (Social,Political) (-2)
    In 1920, the Indian Act was created, this made it mandatory for all Indigenous children to attend residential school. If these students were to attend another school or form of education it would be illegal for them to do so. Many kids were tortured and brainwashed from their traditions and languages. I put this at a -2 because of what these kids had to go through at such a young age. This way of making kids learn was wrong since they had no choice or say in what they were doing.
  • Period: to

    Technological Change (+2)

    (Technological, Social, Economic)
    Slide #10
  • Chinese Immigration Act (-2)

    Chinese Immigration Act (-2)
    (Social, and Political)
    Slide #12