Social Change(The begin of WWI) (-1)
When Britain officially declared war on Germany, since Canada was a colony of Britain, Canada was included in this great war. Throughout this war, Canada gained respect from many other countries. Canada had lost many soldiers in this war. More Canadians died in this war than any other conflict Canada has been in. More than 60,000 men died and 172,000 where injured. -
Billy Bishop (WWI) (Social Change) (+2)
Billy Bishop was a famous Canadian flying ace, with 72 victories throughout the First World War. He was the top Canadian ace of the war. The life expectancy of a new pilot was a couple of weeks, but Bishop managed to survive the whole war, whilst killing many other enemy pilots. Billy Bishop's brave actions represented Canada's pilots well and influenced many others to become pilots in WWI. -
Jeremiah Alvin Jones (Political Change) (+2)
During the battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917, Jeremiah Jones, one of the sixteen black men assigned to the Royal Canadian Regiment saved his unit from a machine gun nest. Jones contributed to one of Canada's largest victories in WWI. He also proved to white men that black soldiers were just as useful. Black men joining the armed forces, filling roles that were usually exclusive to white Canadians. Most white Canadians were reluctant to take them in because of their looks. -
Wartime Elections Act (Social Change) (+1)
The Wartime Elections Act, established on the 20th of September, 1917, gave sisters, mothers and wives of the soldiers that served overseas the right to vote. This event was a big leap towards women's rights. Women were finally permitted to vote. This event was influenced by Sampson and MacDonald's actions, serving in WWI as nurses and risking their lives doing. -
The Spanish Flu Epidemic (Social Change) (-1)
The Spanish flu epidemic started in 1918 and ended in 1920. It killed around 55,000 Canadians between the ages of 20 and 40. People who had just come back from the war, and were reunited with their family died from this tragic illness. The flu killed many good men who that might have done something with their lives to make Canada greater than it is now. -
Residential Schools (Social change) (-2)
Residential schools were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate Aboriginals into Euro-Canadian culture. They attempted to both educate and convert Aboriginal youths to integrate them into Canadian society. Residential schools disrupted lives and communities, causing long-term problems among Aboriginal peoples and harming 1000s of children. -
The Roaring 20s (+1)
After the war many soldiers moved to the cities in hope of finding jobs. Women had opportunities and freedom when they served as caregivers in the war and were treated better as they proved themselves brave. When they returned home they went back to being housewives losing the freedom and respect. Canadian wheat industry became a hit because many other countries wanted Canada's wheat. -
Persons Day(Social Change) (+2)
On this day In 1929 the historic decision to include women in the legal definition of “persons” was handed down by Canada’s highest court of appeal. This gave women the right to be appointed to the Senate of Canada and paved the way for women's increased participation in public and political life. -
The Stock Market Crash (Economic Change) (-2)
The Great Stock Market Crash began on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, and ended on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929. This event was the cause of the great depression, which lasted until 1939. Most Canadians were buying things they couldn't even dream to afford with credit. When the stock market crashed they couldn't pay for what they bought and became very poor. -
Canada's Independence (Social Change) (+2)
In 1926, an Imperial Conference in London featuring all the colonial prime ministers declared that Britain and its dominions were, in fact, “equal in status,” and not master and subject. In 1931, following further negotiation, the British Parliament passed a law known as the Statute of Westminster which formally surrendered Britain’s ability to make laws for Canada.