Australias first settelment in bontany Bay.
First settlement in victoia at sorrento.
First permanent settlement in Victoria (potland)
Batman settled at port Phillip.
Evans and Jackson settled at Sumbury.
John Aitken settled near Mt.Aitken
J.C.Reddell and T.F.Hamilton acquired land in what is now known as Reddells Creek.
Discovery of gold in Bendigo area.
Melbourne to bendigo railway line first surveyed by Melbourne at Mt.Alxeander railway.
The railway was being constructed and the twonship of Reddells Creek formed.
the son of the owner of the local ice-works invented the revolutioary automatic railway coupling.
the first bush fire brigade in the state
commissioner of police had at one time been a police constable at riddells creek
Frank Beaureparie (olympic swimming champion)opend the swimming pool locatednear the lake.
DavidManton a resident of Riddells creek and scholar at Geelong Grammar School, was an exchange stundent with Prince Charles. Seventeen years old Davids attended the famous gordonstown while Prices Chales attended Geelong Grammar.