Robert Borden Elected Canadian Prime Minister
On October 11th, 1911, Robert Borden was elected to be the 8th Canadian Prime Minister. Robert Borden was a member of the Conservative party and beat Wilfred Laurier of the Liberal party by 134 seats to 87 seats. He was elected into being the Prime Minister in Ottawa. The historical themes for this event are Leadership and The Home front. -
Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
On June 28th, 1914, a man named Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and killed by an 18 year old boy from Serbia named Gavrilo Princip who was a part of the Serbian terrorist group Black Hand. Franz Ferdinand was the Royal Prince of Hungary and while he was driving through Bosnia with his wife the 18 year old boy jumped into the car and shot both Franz and his wife, killing both. The historical themes of this event are Leadership and Battles (lead to war which lead to many battles.) -
The Start of WWI
On July 28th 1914, a month after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, WWI had started. Russia backed up Serbia and Germany backed up Austria-Hungary so Russia placed troops of German border and wouldn't move them. So Germany went to invade France through neutral Belgium which was the point where a World War broke out. The main allies for Canada were Britain and France who were fighting against the Germans. The historical themes for this event are battles and Canada's changing role. -
Second Battle of Ypres
On April 22, 1915, a major battle was fought just outside the city of Ypres in Belgium along the Western Front. The battle started April 22, 1915 and ended on May, 25, 1915. This battle was fought between Canada, France, and Britain vs Germany. During this battle the Germans used a gas weapon for the first time and we had no gas masks so a lot of soldiers fled but the ones that stayed held off the Germans until reinforcements came. The historical themes for this event are battles and technology. -
Battle of Somme
On July 1, 1916, one of the most brutal battles was fought in WWI. The battle was fought between Canada, France, and Britain vs Germany and fought near the Somme River in France. This battle was easily one of the most brutal bloody battles ever in the war. On the first day alone the British army suffered a loss of 57,000 casualties and 19,000 fatalities. The battle ended in a huge death toll and the allies hardly gained any ground. The historical themes for this event are battles and technology. -
Vimy Ridge
On April 9, 1917, a battle was fought between Canada and Britain vs Germany. The battle was fought in the Northern France area. The British and French soldiers have tried before to take this ridge but had failed, while Canada with the help of Britain did it in just 3 days, which is phenomenal. This battle would be difficult because the Germans are looking down on them from the top of the ridge. The historical themes for this event are battles and Canada's changing role in the world. -
Conscription Introduced in Canada
Conscription which is forcing someone to fight in war, was first introduced in Canada by the Prime Minister, Robert Borden, on May 18, 1917. Robert Borden introduced this in the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. He introduced conscription because in Europe, Canada needed more soldiers and no body was volunteering so he had to do something about it, also other countries were doing it before them. The historical themes for this event are Significant Canadians and Home front. -
Battle of Passcheldaele
On July 1, 1917, a brutal battle was fought in the area of the Belgian city Ypres. The battle was fought between Canada and Britain vs Germany. This battle, like the Battle of Somme, was a brutal bloody battle fought in the war. It was very muddy and had very poor fighting conditions. This battle also had a ton of artillery shots fired and loads and loads of bullets shot from both sides of the battle. The historical themes for this event are battles and technology. -
The End of WWI
On November 11, 1918, Germany had surrendered from the war because they were lacking the ability to continue fighting. What the countries did is they all signed an armistice to halt the fighting in the war until a peace treaty can be created, which will be the Treaty of Versailles. This armistice was signed at a place called Compiégne. The historical themes for this event are Canada's changing role in the world and Leadership because all the leaders approved of this. -
The Treaty of Versailles
On June 28, 1919, a peace treaty was signed in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, France. The treaty was signed by the countries that were in the War. This treaty held Germany responsible for the war and made them pay off a huge amount of money. Because of this Germany had a huge economic collapse and even had to borrow money from the U.S.A. This treaty also created the League of Nations. The historical themes for this event are Treatment of Minority Groups and Home front.