1910-1920 WW1

  • Period: to

    1910-1920 WW1

  • The day Germans declared war.

  • The draft to get ready for war

    only 120,000 enlisted men with 80,000 in the national guard with little to no experience. The US had not even stocked on weapons or amunition unlike the germans.
  • Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand
    He was kill on the 28th of june by a young "black hand" serbian. Him and his wife were both shot to death.
  • German U boats

    German U boats
    They sunk almost 1500 ships. They would fire on any ship or anything in their warzone. the british ships tried to go through and hold up a U.S. flag so they wouldn't get fired at but thats why the germans would fire at anything, just incase.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania
    The ship sunk in 18 minutes.1959 passengers on the ship, 1198 died, and 128 of them were amercians. Most likely there was illigal amunision carried on the ship. They found thousands of bullets in 2008 from all of the debris.
  • Pay for War

    invest in the war was strongly encouraged. the war cost 33.5 billion 7 billion was loaned to allies to buy american goods.
  • The signing of the seperate piece

    the germans and russians sign the seperate piece on march 3rd
  • Womens Joined the workforce

    Womens Joined  the workforce
    Women could be in the military. Amry "Hello girls" "yeomettes" for the navy and there were 13,000 of them and for the marines "marinetts" and 300 of them.
  • Germans sign the armistice

    Germans sign the armistice
    This happened in compiegne, france. The fighting ends n the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. 11 am on 11/11
  • Signing the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing the Treaty of Versailles
    The signing of this treaty end World War 1