Kent state massacre

kent state massacre.

  • truman doctrine.

    truman doctrine.
    the truman doctrine was signed by president harry s. truman, doctrine declared that the US must support democracy worldwide & fight against communism.
  • north atlantic treaty.

    north atlantic treaty.
    brought NATO into existence, founded by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
  • north korea invades south korea.

    begins the korean war.
  • greece and turkey join NATO.

  • dwight d. eisenhower becomes president.

  • jospeh stalin dies.

  • warsaw pact.

    includes East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union, acts as the Communist military counterpart to NATO.
  • john f. kennedy becomes president.

  • kennedy is shot.

    president john f. kennedy is shot and killed in dallas. vice president lyndon b. johnson takes over.
  • south african border war begins.

  • richard nixon becomes president.

    richard nixon becomes president.
  • announce of attack.

    president nixon announced on national television that a massive american-south vietnamese troop offensive into cambodia was in progress
  • shooting at kent state.

    shooting at kent state.
    four people killed, nine injured. national guard opens fire on students protesting at kent state university.