Period: to
WWI Timeline
Battle of Tannenburg
Fought between Russia and Germany during the first month of WWI.The battle was a suicide order and almost wiped out Russia's second army, follow up battle nearly destroyed Russia's first army which kept Russia of balance till the spring of 1915. Failure to encode orders Russia lost, the battle was actually fought near Allenstnie but Hindenburg name it after Tannenburg which was 30 km to the west in order to avenge the defeat of the Teutonic knights 500 years earlier at the battle of Grunewald. -
Battle of Heligoland Blight
The first naval battle of WWI between the British and the Germans,took place in the south-eastern North sea. when the British attack a German patrols ff the north-west coast of Germany.The British prepared a plan to ambush the German fleet, three German light cruisers were sunk and one destroyer three more cruisers damaged 712 killed.British had one cruiser damaged along with three destroyers 35 killed.The effects on the German government the Kaiser was to restrict the action of the Fleet. -
Battle of Marne
Germany hoped to defeat France before moving facing Russia.Germany had success in the begin of their assault on France but Germany did not have enough troops coming in to keep the momentum they created.The British ans French launched a counter attack at Marne after several days of fighting the Germans retreated. -
The Galliopli Campaign
lasted from April 25 1915- January 9 1916. A land- based strategy to allow ally ships to pass freely through the Dardanelles to capture Constantinople present day Istanbul to take the Ottoman Empire out of the war. At dawn on 4-25-1915 the troops landed on Galliopli an peninsula in Ottoman Turkey. -
Battle of Somme
The Largest Battle of WWI on the Western front,more than 3 million men fought 1 million men were killed or wounded. One of the bloodiest battles in human history, the french and British committed themselves to the offensive.The battle is most memorable for the air support and the first use of the tank ad with them took 6 miles of German Territory. -
Battle of Verdun
03/21/1916-12/18/1916,the longest battle of WWI.Started by a German attack on the town of Verdun in France the 10 hour bombardment forced the french back but did not break them, the Germans where forced to reduced due to the British and Russian forces creating their own battles in other places. The French retook the ground that was lost in prier battles and secured a defensive victory by the end of the year.Germans lost over 430,000 men the French lost over 550,000. -
The battle of Jutland
lasted 5/31/1916-6/1/1916,the largest navel battle of WWI and the first time the dreadnoughts of the British and Germans fought.The German fleet commander planed to ambush the British grand fleet to weaken the British naval power,code breakers revived the orders and warned the British.The Germans damaged the HMS Lion, destroyed the HMS Indefatigable and the HMS Queen Mary when shells hit the ammunition magazine.The British lost 14 ships and over 6,000 men but still controlled the north sea. -
The Battle of Arras
A British offensive on the western front,British troops attacked German defenses near the city of Arras.British achieved the longest advance since trench warfare begun but slowed after the German defense recovered.Battle became costly with the British losing 160,000 men and the Germans lost 125,000 men.The two armies reached a stalemate, British attacked the Hindenburg line but was stopped by the Germans defense after a while of fighting the British achieved their goals success was costly. -
Battle of Passchendaele
Part of the third battle of Ypres, British planned to capture ridges in the south and east of the city Ypres .Passachendaele was the last ridge to the east of Ypres , due to delays and misleading information the field marshal though there was a major advance on the Passachendele ridge. German official historian say 12,000 dead 2,000 uncounted for at the accounting period,2,735 New Zealand casualties. -
Battle of Saint- Mihiel
A US expeditionary force and 110,000 French soldiers under the command of General John J Parish of the US against the Germans. The US Air Services severed a large role in this action.The plan was to break through the German lines at Mihiel and take the fortified city of Metz,the first offensive the US launched in WWI and caught the German army in retreat.This battle established the stature of the US army. The attack on Metz was not realized due to the Germans Refortified positions.