
  • Social democratic party splts itself into Bolsheviks

  • Russo-Japanese war

  • Bloody Sunday

  • First Duma

  • Second Duma

  • Third Duma

  • Outbreak Of WWI

    Tsar Nicholas self proclaims Chief Commander of War. Leaving the Tsarina in command of the Empire(controlled by Rasputin)
  • Rasputin is Murdered

    He was very hated by people, thats why he was murdered
  • Febraury/March Revolution

    The Tsar is overthrown. The Provisional Governent is set up.
  • October/November Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolsheviks take power, under Lenin's rule
  • End of WWI

  • Civil War

  • Execution of Tsar Nicholas

    Execution of TSar Nicholas and his family
  • Brest-Litovsk

    The Brest-Litovsk treaty is signed with Germany
  • End of Civil War

  • Lenin's New Economic Policies