Social democratic party splts itself into Bolsheviks
Russo-Japanese war
Bloody Sunday
First Duma
Second Duma
Third Duma
Outbreak Of WWI
Tsar Nicholas self proclaims Chief Commander of War. Leaving the Tsarina in command of the Empire(controlled by Rasputin) -
Rasputin is Murdered
He was very hated by people, thats why he was murdered -
Febraury/March Revolution
The Tsar is overthrown. The Provisional Governent is set up. -
October/November Bolshevik Revolution
Bolsheviks take power, under Lenin's rule -
End of WWI
Civil War
Execution of Tsar Nicholas
Execution of TSar Nicholas and his family -
The Brest-Litovsk treaty is signed with Germany -
End of Civil War
Lenin's New Economic Policies