
  • Teddy Roosevelt becomes 26th President

    Teddy Roosevelt becomes 26th President
    http://blog.oup.com/2013/09/theodore-roosevelt-becomes-president-september-14-1901/After the assasination of President McKinkley, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt is sworn in as the 26th President of the United States. Although it was an unfortunate way to start his presidency, this date marks the beginning of his 8-year legacy.
  • 1st World Series

    1st World Series
    In an effort to create more unity between the leagues in baseball, the first baseball World Series took place in 1903. The two teams to play in this popular tradition were the Boston Americans and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Game 1 had an attendance of 16,242 and Boston had become the first team to win the World Series.
  • Trans-Siberian Railway

    Trans-Siberian Railway
    http://www.baikalcomplex.com/trans.htm This network was railways connects Moscow with the Russian Far East and the Sea of Japan. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railroad in the world and is even still expanding in present day. The railway helped connect large and small cities through out the area in ways that it had never been before.
  • Nickelodeon--The 1st U.S. Movie Theater

    Nickelodeon--The 1st U.S.  Movie Theater
    96 seats were moved into an empty store in Pittsburgh by and Harry Davis and John Harris, creating a place that generations have enjoyed for years and many more to come. The theater was the first to show films all day long. The name was based on the cost of admission to the theater (a nickel) and the Greek word for theater (odeon). The price of going to the theater has definitely changed, however it is still a place that many go to 'escape' reality.
  • NAACP was founded

    NAACP was founded
    After a race riot in Springfield, the The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in order to create social equality. In New York City, a group of multi-racial activists held a conference to create this organization. Some of the NAACP accomplishments can be found here:
  • The "unsinkable ship" had sunk--Titanic

    The "unsinkable ship" had sunk--Titanic
    After the Titanic tragically crashed into an iceburg on April 14th, the ship sunk the following day, losing at least 1,517 lives. Following this horrible event, safety regulations were increased to make ships safer, ensuring that there is enough lifeboats to carry all on board and making ships staff their radios 24 hours a day. This is an iconic part in history. http://www.history.com/topics/titanic http://www.history.com/topics/titanic
  • 1st Electric Traffic Light

    1st Electric Traffic Light
    http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-electric-traffic-signal-installedhttp://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-electric-traffic-signal-installedHate being late to work by a red light? Or, if you love being able to make a safe trip to work--you can thank the James Hoge, the designer of the 1st electric traffic light. Hoge had created his "municipal traffic control system" and displayed electrically-powered STOP and MOVE signs mounted on posts at each corner of an intersection that were wired to a manually-operated switch housed inside a control booth nearby. The electric traffic light has shaped the way that western society drives.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/woman-suffrage/At this time in history women did not share some of the same rights as men did, including the right to vote. Women's Suffrage--U.S. constitution granded the women the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony and other activists, formed organizations that raised public awareness and lobbied the government to grant voting rights to women, finally achieving victory in 1920. https://youtu.be/rBZYAnbakuU
  • The Charleston

    The Charleston
    The Charleston dance has been performed in black communities since 1903, however the dance did not become popular on an international level until the broadway musical, Runnin' Wild, debuted in 1923. The Charleston was very popular in the 1920's, especially among the Flappers. The Charleston help intergrate communities together by enjoying the dance and culture the dance brings.
    http://www.things-to-do-in-charleston.com/charleston-dance.html https://youtu.be/pUpAcPAipDA
  • 'The best thing since sliced bread'

    'The best thing since sliced bread'
    Before the time of reaching in your pantry and grabbing a few slices of bread for your morning toast, people actually had to cut their own slices out of their loaf of bread--crazy right? Kudos to Otto Frederick Rohwedder, from Davenport, Iowa, who invented the Rohwedder Bread Slicer. This changed the way people ate, made things more "on the go" for the time and opened doors to other 'new ways of life' http://priceonomics.com/the-invention-of-sliced-bread/
  • No more need to 'speak easy'--Prohibition Ends in the U.S.

    No more need to 'speak easy'--Prohibition Ends in the U.S.
    Prohibition began on January 16th, 1920 and ended with the ratification of the 21th amendment. This changed many things, with the legalization of alchohol, it created a new market to make money--legal money that is. Drinking has pros and cons, but it does have an economical gain to it with the sales and taxes from state to state. http://time.com/3605609/a-toast-to-the-end-of-prohibition/
  • War of the Worlds

    War of the Worlds
    http://www.war-of-the-worlds.org/Radio/ Before the entertainment of watching the television, families would gather around the radio for their news and entertainment. In October, 1938, the general consenus was that the martians have finally arrived. Fortunately, it was only Orson Welles' adaptation of the well-known book, War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.
  • Ehh, what's up, Doc?

    Ehh, what's up, Doc?
    https://youtu.be/Wf6omuz1MrM Bugs Bunny made his cartoon debut opposite of Elmer Fudd in "A Wild Hare", this was the first of 175 annimated shorts starring the Warner Brothers' 'pesky wabbit'. This cartoon has been apart of generations of children's childhood, while it's only a cartoon--Bugs is an iconic symbol in certain pop culture. http://time.com/3967572/bugs-bunny-75/