
1930's Computers- Howard Aiken

  • Millionaire Calculator

    Millionaire Calculator
    This invention had the capability to calculate multiplication; instead of repeated addition. Manufacturing began in 1893 with its introduction in 1892. Manufacturing soon ceased in 1935. This invention would put multiplications at an ease.
  • Telex Printer

    Telex Printer
    Telex was intended as a way to exchange military communications but then commercial text messages began to spread everywhere. These messages were communicated through electricity or radio signals then sent to teleprinters and print. The inventor is not known, but it did begin in Germany.
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Konrad Zuse introduced the Z1 computer in 1936. It was able to run and compute arithmetic operations. Soon after Zuse's death the machine did not operate. After this death the creation of Z3 came alive which was a better version of his first Z1.
  • IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator

    IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
    This 5-ton calculator was first introduced in 1937, however it was not approved for funding till 1939. It soon was transported to Harvard and became known as the Harvard Mark 1. This invention was intended to assist during war.
  • Model K Adder

    Model K Adder
    This invention used relays to become a binary adder. Hence "Adder" this invention only had that one function. This was created by George Stibitz.