• Taft Commision

    No specific date or year, in the 1900's. Commission= political group. U.S teachers taught children in poverty during the war. The schools were run by the Taft Commission. In terms of religion, the Taft Commission sought to educate Fillipinos in the Amercian Style (forcing their religion and beliefs).
  • Carnegie Corporation

    No specific date. Andrew Carnegie started the corporation and donated money to educate those in poverty. He wanted international peace. PHILANTHROPY- give a lot of money
    Religion- helping other people, missionary, fighting poverty
    Wealth- can not donate unless you have money to begin with, and he mistreated his workers to get his money.
  • Scopes Trial

    No specific date. Clarence Darrow and William Jennings debate weather or not we should teach evolution in school or not because of religion. Also, it violates the first ammendment saying you can not restrict religion or violate free speech.
  • Religious Tests

    No specific date. No religious tests should ever be required for federal offices.