1900-2000 Timeline

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    World War 1

    Starting in 1914 with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand tipping over already high tensions in Europe. The US joined in 1917 alongside Britian, France, Italy, Russia, and Japan (Allied Powers) against Austria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers). The war ending in 1918 with the signing of an Armistice.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    After joining the work force during WW1 women went out in waves demanding the right to vote (women's suffrage). As a result, in 1920 women gained the constitutional right to vote.
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    Roaring 20s (United States)

    Time in the US where they saw rapid economic growth after WW1 brought about by the 2nd Industrial Revolution. With the industrial boom things like radios, the assembly line and automobiles became mainstream.
  • Insulin was Discovered

    Insulin was Discovered
    As a way to treat diabetes, Insulin was discovered.
  • Penicillin is invented

    Penicillin is invented
    Penicillin was discovered as an antibiotic.
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    The Great Depression

    A worldwide economic crash causing mass amounts of unemployment and hardships. The US saw the biggest stock market crash in history and banking system failures.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Franklin D. Roosevelts plan to relieve some of the economic crisis of the Great Depression. The plan expands the federal governments reach in areas like industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labor, and housing.
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    World War 2

    World War 2 started with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland under Hitler's regime. Countries involved where the axis powers (Nazi-Germany, Japan, and Italy) vs the allied powers (Britian, France, US, and the USSR). The US initial declared neutrality in the war but later joined in 1941. The war ended with Japan's surrender after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Japan dropped bombs on Pearl Harbor on Hawaii's coast which caused the US to declare war on Japan.
  • The formation of the United Nations

    The formation of the United Nations
    After WW2 to create worldly peace the United Nations was formed and as of today there are 193 member states of the United Nation
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    Decolonization of Africa

    After WWII around 40 former African and Asian Colonies gain independence from Europe. Many of them then join in on the United Nations.
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    The Cold Waar

    Period of time were the US and Soviet Union threated to use atomic warfare on one another. No actually battles took play hence it being a "cold" war.
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    Civil Rights Movement

    After helping in WWII and coming home to little rights and discrimination, Black Americans fought for equal rights and opportunities through protests, boycotts, marches, and activism rallies urging the US government to pass equal legislation.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Along with the Cold War tensions in the late 1950s, The United States and the Soviet Union wanted to show off their technological advance by going to space
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    Vietnam War

    A war between communist North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam allied with the US. 1961 JFK expanded military aid and after his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson continued his work and sent more military help to Vietnam. In 1973 after the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, military personnel pulled back and prisoners of war were returned. The final us troops returned in 1975.
  • Soviet Union sends Sputnik into orbit

    Soviet Union sends Sputnik into orbit
    The Soviet Union was the first to send an object into Earth's orbit, which upset many Americans.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A confrontation caused by miscommunication during the Cold War becoming the closest the US and the Soviet Union came to use nuclear weapons.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    A peaceful march during the civil rights movement for civil rights legislation. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at the march.
  • Moon Landing

    NASA sends astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin, Jr. to the moon on Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon effectively "winning" the space race for the USA.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor Appointed to Supreme Court

    Sandra Day O'Connor Appointed to Supreme Court
    Sandra Day O'Connor is the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.
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    Persian Gulf War

    The Persian Gulf War began with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. The United Nations decided to intervene led by the United States. After being overpowered Iraq was forced to retreat and the UN called for a cease-fire.