1900-1949 (Tues/Thurs Students)

  • Trust Buster

    Trust Buster
    Theodore Roosevelt stepped in to help the people. He sought to go after companies who used inflated interest rates and fed off of consumers. He believed no man, no matter how powerful or rich was above the law.
  • A Helping Hand For Labor

    A Helping Hand For Labor
    Workers striking against employers. Usually workers who would strike against their employers would be met with the National Gaurd. Teddy Roosevelt stepped in and became the first abritrator to settle a dispute between the workforce and employers. From May - October 15th the strike lasted.
  • Wright Bros. First Flight

    Wright Bros. First Flight
    The Wright Brothers were the first to take hold of flight. On December 17, 1903 they had everything set up to fly, but with some setbacks they had to wait for repairs. They wanted to be first to fly and took flight days later with the controls and plane repaired.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    San Francisco's earthquake hit Northern California at 5:12 a.m on April 18th. The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.8. It caused fires to erupt over the city and lasted several days. The aftermath of the quake killed 3,000 people and the city was burned to the ground.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Construction of the canal started in 1907. The U.s leases a 6 mile strip of land in Panama. The canal was to shorten the length of a voyage at sea, around the southern tip of south america. The 6 mile strip of land is located in central america.
  • Ford Model T Introduced

    Ford Model T Introduced
    Henry ford introduces his Model T car to the public. The car in which he designed for the masses. Generally labeled the first affordable car. He released the car October 1st, 1908 in Detroit.
  • Titanic Ship Sunk

    Titanic Ship Sunk
    April 15 a ship named RMS Titanic was heading from South Hampoton, UK to New York City, U.S. This ship was known to be unsinkable. The same night heading to the US from UK this ship had hit a iceberg and sunk.
  • The Election of 1912

    The Election of 1912
    Teddy Roosevelt ran as a canidate for the representative of the Republican Party. The route he chose led to him be critisized by many. He was running against long time friend William Howard Taft. Roosevelt felt he could run the country better than the other canidates running. He came up with minimum wage, Healthcare, pension for retirees and womens sufferage admendment.
  • Franz Ferdinand Killed

    Franz Ferdinand Killed
    June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand has been murderd. This has caused World War I break out. He was important because was the hier to the AustroHungarian Throne.
  • Germans Torpedoed The Lusitania

    Germans Torpedoed The Lusitania
    On May 7th, 1915, Germans Torpedoed the passenger liner Lusitania as it crossed the Atlantic. The loss of 123 American lives and approximately 1,200 European lives shocked Americans and brought angry protests from President Wilson. To prevent the United States from joining the conflict, Germany announced that its submarines would stop attacking nonmilitary ships. Germanys pledge lasted less than a year. The turning point for America came in 1917.
  • TR is Dead

    TR is Dead
    Theodore Roosevelt was one of the youngest presidents to ever be electated at the age of 42. He was killed by a cardiovascular disease.
  • The New Woman

    The New Woman
    Women were said to have changed from what was normally accepted. Saying the drinking, dancing, and other things they were doing in the 20's were unacceptable and unlady like to a degree. Also made it easier on housely chores, gave women birth control so they could have less childeren. Changing how women were seen in the eyes of the world.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    John Scopes taught Evolution. A subject not readily aceppted in the 20's. He was said to have violated the "Butler Act". It stated that no state funded school could teach human evolution. The trial mainly focused on the inconsistent with religous beliefs.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The 1930’s were marred by the worst economic depression in the history of the United States. The great depression had a nationwide average unemployment of 25%. The stock market crash in 1929 is used as a benchmark for the start of the great depression. This caused thousands of banks and millions of people to go bankrupt.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl were a series of huge dust storms of soil. These dust storms had a huge impact on farmers because soil was used to grow crops in and the crops were income for farmers. These storms pushed farmers into bankruptcy. These storms also caused a lot of other damage to homes, cars, cattle, etc.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    In 1932 president Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president and served through two of the nation’s most challenging periods, The Great Depression and World War 2. Roosevelt decided to take action to make sure the American people knew the government was helping. He created the “New Deal” which was a series of laws and programs passed under Roosevelt that aimed at rescuing the people from a downward spiral of the depression, targeting the unemployed and farmers mainly.
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

    Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) independent executive agency of the US government established in 1934 to regulate interstate and foreign communications to the public interest. (FCC) had superintended relations between AT&T and its successor phone companies and later promoted competition between long distance phone companies.
  • Union Strike

     Union Strike
    In 1936 the union went on strike demanding wage increases. Farmers, and all kinds of workers were left jobless or demanding higher pay. The strike was brutally put down by a vigilante force organized by the local sheriff.
  • Joint Declaration by memebers of the United Nations

    Joint Declaration by memebers of the United Nations
    Governments that were made up of the Allied forces. Signed a pact to agree to support each other during the war. January 1, 1942 in Washington the pact was signed. More countries signed this pact in the later years. They signed it to preserve human rights, the subjugation of people, and religious freedom.
  • The Pentagon

    The Pentagon
    The worlds largest office building. On January 15th, 1943 the Department Of Defense had their building finished. It was erected in Arlington, Va. It is the Defense HQ for the nation. Was built before the end of the war and before the cold war.
  • Adolf Hilter Dead

    Adolf Hilter Dead
    Many people feard the man named Adolf Hilter. He played a giant role in World War II. He was the leader of the Nazi party. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun both killed themselfs on April 20th 1945. The cause of there death is by taking there own life, suicide. Many people believe still have doubts till this day that he did not kill himself.
  • Truman ends Racial Segregation in the U.S. Military

    Truman ends Racial Segregation in the U.S. Military
    In 1948 Truman ends racial segregation in the U.S. military. This was an organized movement to break down the barriers of discrimination of African Americans from the rest of American society.