Insurgent's Revolt
Emilio Aguinaldo establishes himself dictator of Philippines
Teller Amendment
John Pershing honorably discharged
Open Door Policy
Roosevelt getting rid of bad trusts
Insular Cases
Northern Securities formed
Thedore Roosevelt begins first term as president
"Big Stick" Policy first mentioned by Roosevelt
Anthracite Coal Strike
Hay Buneau Varilla Treaty passed
Russo Japanese War
Roosevelt Corollary
Samuel M. Jones died
Niagra Movement formed by W.E.B Dubois
Lochner vs. New York
Wobblies come about
Muckrackers used by Roosevelt
"The Jungle" published by Upton Sinclair
Robert La Follette becomes governor of Wisconsin
Pure Food and Drug Act
Gentleman's Agreement
The Great White Fleet travels the globe
Dollar Diplomacy begins
Great Migration starts
Mann-Elkin Act proposed
"New Nationalism" spoken by Roosevelt
Triple Wall of Privilege used by Wilson
Woodrow Wilson used his "New Freedom" in running
Bull Moose Party created for 1912 election
Woodrow Wilson wins 1912 election
16th Amendment ratified
17th Amendment ratified
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Federal Reserve System
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Panama Canal officially opened
Federal Trade Commission Founded
Sinking of Lusitania
Sussex Pledge by Germans
Keating Owens Act
Zimmerman Telegram received
Committee on Public Information founded
Creel Committee formed
Fourteen Points proposed
18th Amendment ratified
Volstead Act
"The American Language" is written by H.L. Mencken
Schenck v. U.S.
Irreconcilables come about
Period: to
19th Amendment ratified
Treaty of Versailles 1919
Article X introduced in Treaty of Versailles
Period: to
Harlem Renaissance
League of Nations formed
Palmer Raids
Progressive Era "ends"
John L Lewis becomes president of the United Mine Workers
Period: to
Quota System
Warren G. Harding becomes President
Albert B. Fall becomes Secretary of the Interior
Teapot Scandal begins
Washington Naval Conference
"Tulips and Chimneys" by E.E. Cummings published
Mellon-Fiscal Policy
National Origins Act
Henry Cabot Lodge dies
Scopes Trial
Eugene Debbs died
"The Rise of American Civilization" first published
Liberty Loan Campaign
Spirit of St. Louis flown
Sacco and Vanzetti are executed
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Keynesian Economics
Langston Hughes wins Harmon Gold Metal
Scottsboro Boys
Stimson Doctrine
Reconstruction Finance Corportation forms
Bonus March
AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act
TVA formed
FDR's Hundred Days
National Industrial Recovery Act
Bank Holiday
Period: to
New Deal
Franklin Roosevelt becomes president
21st Amendment ratified
"Tender is the Night" by F. Scott Fitzgerald published
Share the Wealth begins
Securities and Exchange Commission
Indian Reorganization Act
National Labors Relations Act passed
Schecter v. US
first of Neutrality Acts
WPA formed
Wagner Act
Social Security Act
Congress of Industrial Organization
First "sit down strike"
FDR's Court packing scheme
Fair Labor Standard Act
"Grapes of Wrath" by John Steibeck published
Cash and Carry policy
Phony War begins
America First Comittee
Destroyer for Bases Deal
Lend-Lease Act passed