1900-1930's History

  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    The production of the 1919 Ford Model T or the "Tin Lizzie" was a revolutionary thing. This was the first automobile, and was made for the middle class. The "Tin Lizzie" was also made be assembly and not hand made like many other things at this time in history. This was the start of the revolution of cars as we know them today.
  • Launch of Lusitania

  • Period: to

    Great Migration

  • Period: to

    Wilson's Presidency Term

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    World War 1

  • Rankin, First Women Elected to Congress

  • Selective Service Act

  • Espionage Act

  • Lenin Led Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Influenza Epidemic

  • Wilson's 14 Points

  • Sedition Act

  • Schenk vs. US

  • Edith Wilson

    Edith Wilson
    When Woodrow Wilson had suffered from a stroke, he was unable to perform some of his duties as president. In order to keep the country up and running Edith had stepped in Wilson's place and perform the duties he could not.
  • US Rejects League of Nations Membership

  • US Rejects Treaty of Versailles

  • 19th Amendment

  • First Commercial Radio Broadcast

    First Commercial Radio Broadcast
    KDKA made he first national commercial broadcast on radio.This was the day KDKA broadcasted on because it was election day, and the radio was a way for people to hear the results of the elections faster and not have to wait for the newspaper the next morning.
  • Lindbergh Flies Across Atlantic

    Lindbergh Flies Across Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic alone in his plane, "Spirit of St Louis".
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Baseball player, George Herman Ruth, hit his 60th home run in the year of 1927. This set a record for home runs.