The Platt Amendment
The Platt Amendment was established that America would stop occupying Cuba as a military base. A contract between the two nations was signed under the terms that Cuba could not enter international treaties and Cuba had to lease Guantanamo Bay as a military base for the US. People involved were: Senator Orville Platt and Secretary of War Elihu Root. The outcome was that Cuba gained independence and the US still benefitted off the island -
Venezuelan Crisis of 1902
The Venezuelan Crisis was a naval blockade on Venezuela by Britain, Germany, and Italy. The reason for this was that the Venezuelan president Castro refused to pay war reparations to the European civilians injured in the Venezuelan Civil War. Germany quickly defeated Castro's navy, so the US decided to intervene and threaten war if Germany did not discontinue their fleet. Important people in this event were Theodore Roosevelt and Cipriano Castro. The result was that the Europeans left Venezuela. -
Panama Canal
The Panama Canal was built by the U.S. as a political and trade-benefiting ploy. The U.S. not only built the canal along the Panama isthmus, but they also gave Panama military aid in their fight for independence. The project took nearly 12 years to complete. Key people involved was project leader John Stevens and President Theodore Roosevelt. The outcome was that the U.S. had control of the Panama Canal until 1999. -
The Roosevelt Corollary
The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. He stated that the corollary states will intervene between conflicts with European countries and Latin America. He kept his Big Stick Diplomacy very constant throughout the entire thing. Key people was Theodore Roosevelt. The outcome was that the US remained Interventionist until the Great Depression where we switched to Good Neighbor Policy. -
The Chinese Revolution of 1911
The Chinese decided they wanted to overthrow and abolish the current empire. The United States was completely supportive during the revolution movement. Key people involved were newly elected Dr. Sun and fallen Emporer Puyi. The outcome was that the U.S was the first country to establish good diplomatic relations with the new Republic of China. -
Washington Naval Conference
The Washington Naval Conference was a meeting between nine nations called by the US to prevent further naval arms races. It was also to establish peace with Japan who had become increasingly belligerent about controlling the Pacific Ocean. Key people in this event were Henry Cabot Lodge and Elihu Root. the outcome was that three peace agreements were signed and bad diplomatic relations were simmered. -
RMS Lusitania
The RMS Lusitania was a British ocean liner sailing from New York to Liverpool. On board, this ship was nearly 2,000 people. While on their way back to England, German torpedos struck the starboard side of the ship, causing the boilers onboard to explode and sink the ship. Out of the 1,200 people that died, 120 were American civilians. Key people of this event were Woodrow Wilson. The outcome was that Germany agreed to end unrestricted submarine warfare. -
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was a secret communication issued by Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance in the event that the U.S. entered World I. Public opinion of the Germans plummeted. More unrestricted submarine warfare was issued by the Germans. People involved were Arthur Zimmerman (Foreign secretary for Germany)and the president of Mexico Venustiano Carranza.The outcome of this event was that it gave more reason for the US to enter the war on the Allies side. -
Declaration of War on Germany
President Woodrow Wilson asked for a declaration of war from Congress. He justified going to war with Germany on the basis that the Germans were sinking unarmed merchant and passenger ships in the Atlantic that had Americans on board. Congres agreed to the terms and ratified the Declaration. A key person in this event is Woodrow Wilson. The outcome is that the US finally entered WWI on the Allies side. -
14 Points Plan
Woodrow Wilson's 14 point plan was a statement of points in order to reestablished peace in the post-war world. Many people were skeptical about his ideas because they were far too idealistic. Wilson translated progressive ideas into foreign policies. People involved in this were Woodrow Wilson and Allied colleagues. The outcome of this was that 14 points were not followed through with but he was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for his peace-making efforts. -
Armistice of November 11th, 1918
The armistice of November 11th was the end of the fighting in world war I. It was the cease-fire on the western front and the eventual surrender of German forces. Key people in this event were Woodrow Wilson and Ferdinand Foch. The outcome was that the fighting was ended and peace treaties between the countries were eventually made. -
Paris Peace Conference
Following the armistice between the Allied and Central powers, The Paris Peace Conference was a gathering of the WWI victors. Five major peace treaties were drafted by the group. Key people in this were Woodrow Wilson and fellow Allied leaders. The outcome of this event is that it led to further peace agreements in the post-war world. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was the peace agreement that ended the war between the Allied powers and Germany. Wilson's 14 points were not carried out in the treaty. Most of the treaty consisted of the reparations to be paid by Germany. People involved were mainly the Allied powers. The outcome was that Germany was forced to pay many war reparations. -
Congress does not ratify Treaty of Versailles
After the Treaty of Versailles was drafted, Congress was required to decide whether they would ratify it or not. Many republican senators and German/Irish Democrats would not sign it. They opposed the thought of a League of Nations on the basis that a League could declare war without the consent of Congress. Major people involved in this was: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and President Woodrow Wilson. The outcome was that the treaty was not ratified. -
Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan was an attempt to solve the German war debt. The plan consisted of the U.S loaning money to Germany which Germany would use to pay back war debts to Britain and France. A part of the plan was that Germany would have to evacuate the Ruhr area immediately. Key people in this was Charles Dawes who came up with the plan. The outcome was that Germany was driven into high inflation and the debt was not resolved.