
  • McKinley gets his second presidential term

  • President McKinley is Assassinated

    Died a week later from the bullet wound after getting shot in Buffalo, New York.
  • The First Movie Theater in the U.S. Opens

    Called the "Electric Theater" which was in Los Angeles, California.
  • First Automobile drive across America

    Started on March 23rd, and ending on August 1st; from San Francisco to New York.
  • First Sustained Plane Flight

    The Wright Brothers had the first sustained flight which flew for 12 seconds then 59 seconds 852 feet into the air.
  • First Field Tractor was invented

    A groundbreaking (haha) tractor was created by Benjamin Holt.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

  • A Deadly Earthquake Occurs in San Francisco

    An Earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 hits San Francisco which kills 478 residents initially. But it started a fire, and later on it was reported that 3,000 people were dead
  • The Financial Panic and Depression of 1907

    Also known as the Bank Panic of 1907, but fortunately it was a very short financial crisis.
  • Oklahoma becomes a State

  • The Model T-Ford Was Built

    One of the first mass production vehicles of 1908
  • William Howard Taft becomes President

  • The U.S. Military leaves Cuba

    After being in Cuba since 1898, the military leaves Cuba after 11 years.
  • The Census of 1910

    The population number of 92,228,496 living in America in 1910.
  • The Bureau of Mines authorized by Congress

  • Grand Central Terminal opens in NYC

    World's largest rail terminal is opened to the public in 1913
  • 16th Amendment is Ratified

    The 16th Amendment ratifies the government treasury to impose income taxes on the states
  • Ford Raises Money

    Wage increases to $5 for an 8 hour work day.
  • Babe Ruth Debuts

    Currently playing for the Boston Red Sox, he pitched 7 innings, and helped win the game
  • Wilson Declares Neutrality

    During the swelling of World War I, Wilson declared Neutrality in the growing of World War I.
  • RMS Lusitania is sunk by German Submarines

    Attacked by a German Submarine, 128 people were killed on the RMS Lusitania
  • After declaring Neutrality, we get involved in WWI

    Sending a million troops to fight in World War I.
  • 18th Amendment is Ratified

    18th Amendment prohibits alcohol and the transportation of alcohol in the U.S.
  • Census of 1920

    Increase of 15% in 10 years