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  • Gold Standard created

  • Galveston Hurricane

    One of the deadliest hurricanes in US History (6k-13k died) turned investors from Galveston to Houston
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    Believed in government control of Big Business.
  • W.E.B. DuBois

    Formed the forerunner of NACCP
  • Ford Motor Company formed.

    Ford's assembly line in 1913 played a major role in equipping forces in WW1.
  • Wright Brothers 1st Flight

  • Panama Canal Built

    Acquired from France for 40 million, Panama signs a treaty with the ​US giving ownership for Panama Zone connecting the Atlantic to Pacific.
  • US builds 11 new battleships

    1904-1907 Roosevelt builds navy presence in Pacific to warn Japan.
  • World's Fair in St. Louis

  • Albert Einstein publishes his Theory of relativity

  • Hepburn Act

    Interstate Commerce Commission the power to set the maximum railroad rates and extended their authority.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    To regulate food production and ensure quality.
  • The Jungle

    A novel was written to show the harsh conditions of Immigrants.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    Teddy Roosevelt brokered a peace treaty with Japan and Russia and won the Nobel​ Peace Prize.
  • San Francisco earthquake

    7.9 earthquake 3k people died and 80% of city destroyed.
  • Oklahoma admitted as state.

  • William Taft elected

    Hand-picked by Rosevelt but didn't live up to what he wanted for him even though he saw over 80 anti-trust suits.
  • FBI was established.

    Started with 40 investigators hired by the Attorney General.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

    The infamous fire killed 146 workers that began reforms.
  • Woodrow Wilson elected.

    Moral Diplomacy/ moral interest over material investments.
    Moral obligation to extend diplomacy.
  • Titanic sinks

  • New Mexico, Arizona admitted as states.

  • Federal Reserve System created

    Created for maximizing employment, stabilizing prices, and moderating long-term interest rates.
  • 16th Ammendment/income tax

    The amendment​ giving Congress the ability to tax income.
  • 17th Amendment/direct election of Sentators

  • World War 1 begins

    The US declares neutrality.
  • US Troops occupy Vera Cruz

    The port was seized to prevent arms deliveries and after an incident with sailors in port.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferndinand

    This event started a chain of events that started World War I and serve as a catalyst for already high tensions in the area.
  • US Troops sent to Haiti

    W. Wilson sent Marines to Haiti after the ​assassination of their leader to make sure there was stability in the Carribean.
  • KKK revived

    KKK was revived, it was said, to combat corrupt Northern carpetbaggers but they used violent measures to ensure white supremacy​.
  • Lusitania Sunk/US protests

    Germany sinks Lusitania because it was carrying war supplies to England but had innocent passengers.
  • Germany issues Sussex pledge

    Germany pledges to not sink passenger ships and to give notice before striking merchant ships carrying munitions​.
  • Adamson Act

    Legislated​ 8 hour work days and time and half pay for overtime.
  • Federal Farm Loan Act/Warehouse

    Offered farm loans and benefits for storing in designated​ warehouses.
  • Russian Revolution

    The overthrow of Tzar Nicholas II by Marxist socialist Lenin.
  • U.S. enters WWI

    The ​U.S. enters the war after Germany resumes unrestricted warfare in the seas.
  • Federal highway Act

    Funding for construction of new highways.
  • Virgin Islands acquired from Denmark

  • World War I ends

    Armistice is signed based on promises that did not all come to pass.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A peace treaty with the Allied forces and Germany drawn up in Paris. It was more punitive to Germany than Wilson's 14 points.
  • Red Scare

    With so many immigrants embracing communism, socialism, and anarchy, there was a fear that democracy would be overrun.
  • Prohibition/18th Amendment

    Illegal to produce, transport, or sell alcohol.
  • 19th Amendment/Women vote

    Can not prohibit voting based on sex.
  • Economy collapse of 1920

  • Harding elected

    "Return to Normalcy". Scandal-plagued. Relied on 'Ohio gang'. Condemned lynchings.