
  • Act: Gold Standard Act

    Passed on March 14th by William McKinley. Gold standard established gold as the only standard redeemable for cash money.
  • President: William McKinley

    26th President. Term lasted September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909. Vice President of William McKinley. Became president after McKinley was assassinated. Was well known for his foreign policy skills. Awarded Nobel Peace prize. Removed American Military power in Cuba and allowed Cuba to gain independence. However, he was against allowing the Philippines independence because they would be vulnerable to other foreign powers.
  • Agriculture: Panama Canal

    Built between 1904-1914. Links the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Idea dates back to the 1500's.
  • Act: Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelts contribution to the Monroe Doctrine. The Corollary states that America can defend Latin American countries from European countries.
  • Food and Drug Administration and Hepburn Act

    Created in 1906. Allowed for government regulation of transportation and food regulation.
  • Amendment: 16th, Income Tax

    Passed on July 12th, 1909. This amendment allowed the government of the united states to levy and income tax and portion it among the states based on population.
  • President: Woodrow Willson

    The 28th President. Term lasted from March 4, 1913 – March 4, 1921. Was the president of Princeton of University and Governor of New Jersey. He implemented the Jim Crow State laws that enforced segregation and general racial degradation.
  • Amendment: 17th, Direct Senatorial Election

    Passed on April 8th, 1913. This allowed the Senate to be elected by the people. Before this amendment, the Senate was elected by state legislature. This allowed the public to have more control over who was representing them.
  • War: World War 1

    Began on July 28th, 1914 and ended in November 11th, 1918. Started with the assassination the Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Allies included: France, Britain Russia, Italy, United States, Romania, Japan, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, and Montenegro. The Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
  • Cult: Rebirth KKK

    Started up again in 1915 by Colonel William Joseph Simmons. It used the lynching of Leo Frank and the book The Birth of the Nation to usher white people against their black community. It was also helped by a film that stated that the resurrection of the KKK would protect feminine virtue and white racial purity.
  • Germany Issued Sussex Pledge

    Issued in 1916. Pledge decreed that Britain would give a warning before sinking American merchant and passenger boats.
  • War: Zimmerman Telegram

    Telegram sent on January 16th, 1917. Zimmerman, a secret diplomatic communicator, sent a telegraph warning America of Germany's attempt at bargaining with Mexico against America.
  • Germany Breaks Sussex Pledge and America enters WW 1

    Breaks pledge March 4th, 1917. This, coupled with the Zimmerman Telegraph, launched the United States into WW1 against Germany.
  • War: Russian Civil War

    Lasted from November 7, 1917 – June 16, 1923. War about political future. Red Army wanted communism and white army wanted more diverse politics such as capitalisms, social democracy, and more. All with democratic and anti-democratic tendencies.
  • War: The End of WW1

    On November 11, at 11 o'clock, 1919, World War 1 ended. Germany powers, supplies, and soldiers were exhausted and were facing imminent defeat. They decided to sign the armistice agreement.
  • Amendment: 18th, Prohibition of Alcohol

    Ratified on January 16th, 1919. As a result of many years of temperance activists, the Unites States outlawed the selling and consuming of alcoholic beverages. This Amendment was repealed by the 21st amendment on December 5th, 1933
  • Amendment: 19th, women's suffrage

    Passed May 21st, 1919. This prohibited states to refuse the right to vote based on gender. Feminists had been fight for this right for over 100 years. However, there were still racial/gender discrimination towards voting. African, Asian, Native American, and Hispanic women found it difficult to vote for quite some time.
  • Treaty: Treaty of Versailles

    Signed June 28th, 1919. Signed exactly five years after the Archdukes death. Germany was to accept responsibility for the war and the damages done. These damages were worth 31.4 billion dollars.